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Everything posted by LyghtWayve

  1. Is there a way to get in touch with the developers to ask them to increase the font size on the Nintendo Switch and other devices? I tried to play the game on my Switch and Steam Deck and the font is just way to small and renders it unplayable for me. I think there should be an option to increase the font size and scale the UI to make it bigger on handhelds. Handhelds are growing in popularity and as gamers progress through life (cough…age…cough) it is Mischandra easier to see larger text and UI elements. Thanks.
  2. Greetings, When it says on a training card that the Attributes are Individual Roles, does that mean that whatever individual training I have the player set to (e.g. Center Back on Stopper and additional focus of Quickness training) those related attributes will be trained upon? So attributes related to his role of Center Back on Stopper and Quickness will be trained upon in that session? A related question, so it seems I can use the individual roles to more target their development and thus not have to rely on general training sessions to target these attributes. Correct? Thanks
  3. Greetings, How do I see the dugout at will during a game? I want to see my coaches suggestions about what to do during the match. I can't find the button to see it at will. Thanks
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