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653 "The Dude abides"

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    FMS Awards 2011 Winner of Best Story from a Celtic Nation for Jumping Through Hoops

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    my sanity. It's easier than it was.

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  1. I've got Scotland winning it, beating Italy in the Final, having dumped England out in the QF.
  2. Move on without me please. I'll catch up.
  3. Hello all! Great to be involved again. @mark wilson27 and @Tikka Mezzala and me all in Serie B. Good Limes ahead.
  4. Just wanted to swing past and wish you all a Merry Christmas and make my usual request to Santa for Avril Lavigne for Christmas. Although he hasn't delivered in any of the last 20 years... miserable bastard (no not you 10-3) I hope you all have a lovely time whatever you're doing.
  5. I'm going to bow out of this thread. I'm in the minority clearly. I'm sorry if anyone was offended or upset by my statement. Wasn't my intention to cause offence and I misjudged my comments.
  6. I chosen to say it today because today it is relevant. Why do I need to 'give it a day off', not as if I go round banging on about my anti-monarchy sentiment every day of the week. Don't get the big deal. An old woman died. That's all she is to me.
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