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The _Captain

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Everything posted by The _Captain

  1. I know you are staff, but I feel you are incorrect. It's 30 seasons on xbox, but on PC I am sure it is unlimited?
  2. Don't worry about it too much, you'll get your premier league money soon and you'll be quids in again. The Liverpool board will be good at business and will have decent finances behind them, it will work out just fine.
  3. I am playing one of my older saves at the moment, Russia have to play at neutral stadiums in UCL and internationals, they also appear to be getting nerfed out of existence, I just turned over their best club in the UCL qualifiers with a bargain basement team. Their world ranking is also going down the toilet.
  4. I am about 11 or 12 seasons into my save, I am trying to rebuild my team. The game as always has very limited attacking fullbacks, but this save has been a little different, I haven't been able to find any target men to replace my main forward in my team. The regens lack the physicality to compete with the monster defenders the game is creating. Has anyone else noticed an even more oppressive lack of variety with regens this year?
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