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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


  • Biography
    I am retired after having worked more than 40 years as a computer scientist (developer then intranet project manager). I played Football Manager from 2000 until 2008 or 2009 then stopped a while. Back to the game from FM2019 and then FM2020.
    Actually posting for FM on youTube (more than 50 videos on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQBSFKJuciEc8g3K89GcZoQ)

About Me

  • About Me
    retired from Unedic (France)


  • Interests
    FM of course and MMORPG

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Rennes (France)

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Caister D11 England actually D7) and Lanester

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  1. thanks, it works ... almost (with anything other than "all" as the value of "auto-size" which generates a line break, it no longer works, I still have to find the right parameter values)
  2. Hi everyone, still beginning to understand the whole flow of skinning, and I am wondering if it is possible do write some texte somewhere. When people begins to learn a new programming language it is common to start with something like : print "hello world". Can we do that in some .xml ? I presume we must do some thing like : <widget class="label" id="test1" alignment="left,bottom" auto_size="all"> <string id="xyz" value="text" /> <string id="font" value="label" /> </widget> but that doesn't work. Question : is it possible to display some text (litteral text, not database contained text) somewhere and how can I do that ?
  3. Alas, developpers could have had a good idea (and practic) in noticing screen ID in the commentary part of the panels files
  4. I wonder : it's recommended to tick the "Show screen ID's in Title Bar to assist skinning " option in (FM > Preferences > Interface) but I can not find a link between panels xml files and the Screen id. Is there a way to manage that or can I untick it because this is not needed
  5. I wonder : it's recommended to tick the "Show screen ID's in Title Bar to assist skinning " option in (FM > Preferences > Interface) but I can not find a link between panels xml files and the Screen id. Is there a way to manage that or can I untick it because this is not needed
  6. Hi, I am an old programmer (yet retired) and I can say I was used to work with XML and XSL, But if I know .xml and .xsl files are used to disply information around the screen, I can not understand how FM handles the mouseclick events they treat in sidebar or menu header. I found in client object browser.xml some lines referring to some kind of " <widget class="backroom_advice_trigger_button" ..." but I can not imagine how the whole stuff works. Does someone have the idea of how all this is handled ?
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