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Posts posted by josel15

  1. 7 minutos atrás, Johnny Ace disse:

    Looks alright all round @josel15

    I'd still make a few changes though

    I'd go double Wingbacks on Support seeing as both wide forwards cut inside. A FB(A) may drift infield and you'll lose width on the right

    The IF(S) is an aggressive role, probably a 50/50 split on scoring/creating, I'd mix up the frontline a bit and seeing Di Maria, you have an excellent creator from wide. IW(A) is also pretty aggressive, so I'd drop him down to Support, something like this:


    Then if you're rotating Di Maria out, use an IF(S) instead of the AP(A)

    It's similar to this one but with a BBM/WB(S) instead of the BMW/WB(A)

    Your TIs look possession based but I think Work Ball into Box is a bit much, I'll really not a fan of that TI 

    In Transition and Out of Possession look nice and snappy, just tone those down a little if they cause you issues :thup:

    That was the feedback I was expecting.

    I was only "scared" I would have an issue with the AP(att) in the sense that it would lack penetration, but I have to test it.

    The dual WB(s) has always been a favourite of mine since FM15, but I haven't used it in a while.

    Where I thought you would have an issue is on the midfield,but I guess I got it right. Probably gonna put the B2B on the left to have dynamism in the left side, with the CM(s) on the right being more of a midfield giving space to Di Maria or Neres.

    The team instructions, probably the game "stops" happening stuff due to work ball in the box, my tram has played better without it. I will test this.

  2. Reviving this thread to ask for help.

    @Johnny Ace, what do you think about this?


    My idea is to have the IF(s) - Di Maria or Neres - as the main creative force on the wing. A PF on attack to attack the space and be a threat all around. I've put an IW (at) because my wingers tend to be fast and I want to them to explore space while still giving some width in a first stage. I think the defence is fine. Midfield is killing me, tho. The games I've played I had a lot of possession but the IF was always bad and didn't see any creativity from the team, especially the midfield, which is very good for the Portuguese League and even to do good stuff in Europe.

    What you would do?









  3. Some improvements, some stuff that that makes me want to rip my hair off.

    For starters, I skipped FM23. I hated some stuff that happened on that game, I got mad so many times, even winning, that I couldn't play that game. Rant from FM23 aside, I will start from this game:
    - High scoring games. A lot of them are happening. I already  saw games that are supposed to be balanced (irl they are) finishing 4-1, or 5-1 or 5-0. One game per season, ok, it can happen, every matchday week is just weird;
    - The corners. Oh dear god the corners. Once a corner is won, there will always be a corner until the ball goes out of bounds and it's a keeper ball, or if the keeper grabs it in the air. I've spent, in one game, 3 minutes of an infinite corner loop until the opposite team scored (no biggie, match ended 5-1 to me, but still, it makes no sense conceding a goal like that, with infinite corners happening);
    - The shots. I don't know if it's normal, but a central shot to the goal seems hard to go in, but a curled or diagonal shot from an angle feels like it will go in. Adding to that, so many blocks. I feel like 50% of my shots are blocked. Also, a lot of shots from distance even with viable passing options, with work ball into the box and shooting less PI.

    In the management part. I hired a analyst...and I couldn't manage anymore my reserve squads. I had to go to a player of each team, and change training and take control of every squad like that. In responsibilites I couldn't change any of that (and other stuff) to me.

  4. 1 minuto atrás, KeiranShikari disse:

    Yeah, they always have a lot of updates to data after the full release. Things like licenses not being fully implemented and so on as well as lots of touched up player data.

    Bug fixes of course are the most important part of the update.

    If the stats are very similar, no need in creating a new save, if they aren't, will do.


    Wouldn't lose a lot tbh.

  5. 7 horas atrás, Johnny Ace disse:

    That looks coherent to me @josel15!

    Jeremie Boga is a blast from the past

    I've only played one game with the tactic, and if it is any indication, Boga will feast this season.

    One thing that I am really finding now, is the concept of putting Ince as the CM(s) and give him the more direct/riskier passing and having a box to box on the right, since I have Mady Camara as that runner and someone who is very versatile and has the "gets further forward" player trait (or keep him as the mezzala), The concept of balancing everything instead of putting roles and everything will work out fine and thinking more "real life" instead of trying to break the game is a shift that I had to do, but never wanted.

    But from what I've seen so fair, eveything ticks very beautifully.

  6. 4 minutos atrás, SaintPaul disse:

    Why don't you realise that you're posting on a speculation thread? It has been pointed out to you several times 

    He has been called Miles multiple times, if he doesn't catch on that tip, I don't know how he can get that he is on a speculation thread trying to speak in absolutes.

    It looks like damage control, in a certain way.

  7. 14 minutos atrás, jlboybeamer disse:

    If you’re on reddit enough that’s nonsense what you’re saying  ,the big issue with player development is still constantly being talked about there and criticised , amongst other persistent bugs from previous editions of FM. 

    The amount of unfixed bugs that continue to exist from previous version has stopped me and others from playing that is a fact that cannot be ignored. 

    His take is just plain wrong.

    Lots of people play this game in lots of different ways. I know/chat online with people that only Instant Result the games because they don't have much time to play, so the ME for them has no problems, and honestly how could they find problems if they don't see it?

    The same for me and some of the stats areas, I don't know if they work properly or not because I don't use it that much. I like to create tactics, see them play on the field. That's my reason for playing this game (and squad and staff building) and I watch it in comprehensive, so I see a lot of stuff that pisses me off and I said it before in the feedback thread my main grievances.

    Also, I look for it, but I feel like there is not that much content of FM this year both on youtube or written (although Cleon came back, which is a big positive), or the content has a more negative tone around it.

    Now on my more personal experience, the people around that play the game (family and some friends) and usually send me prints of their saves, this year they don't do it, some play one season and say it's enough and that are mega frustrated. Of course I have negative feelings around the game, but the uncommon part is that everyone around me doesn't like the game to the point of going months without playing it. Yes, SI may have sold lots of games, but I don't see the next edition selling as much.

    Just my two cents.

  8. 1 hora atrás, SimonHoddle disse:

    I’m a big critic of the game (although the more I play it the more I’m enjoying it tbh).

    I don’t get annoyed by people defending it. It’s literally impossible for SI to satisfy everyone. Some will love this version. You can’t criticise them just because they enjoy playing it. I think the problem with the ME is it’s so difficult to find balance.

    They introduced chaos but all I saw was my world class defenders passing straight to attackers under no pressure so I hated that. But some people loved the chaos. I don’t think anyone- not even SI - has said the game is perfect haha.


    I'm glad you are enjoying it, but it's precisely the last line of what you said that makes it impossible for me to play it. That and the midfield just falling asleep every time.

    I understand people defending it or pointing some things they like, but some times they come in this thread in waves to try to shut up who does not like the game (and as seen above, one poster had his post removed) and come with "it's your tactics bro" every time. That can be very frustrating, but it's part of a big community as this.

  9. 26 minutos atrás, Sunstrikuuu disse:

    No, at that level you'd expect misplaced passes as teams try to do things they're not technically capable of.  What you wouldn't expect was players under no pressure kicking long despite instructions as specific as it is possible to be not to.

    I get that last year was tilted too far in the direction of technical possession play.  Fine.  Don't care.  It was fun to play and fun to watch, and when I made changes I could see them on the pitch.  This year it's kick-and-run no matter what.

    I said in my reviews this year of this game. Instructions don't matter and as soon as the midfield line is crossed, a rush fest happens.

    It is not the players quality whatsoever, that souldn't happen with Roma, Celta de Vigo, Hajduk Split and Valeranga. Tried a lot of different combinations and always the same rushfest.

    In one of my posts I also said that no matter what happens, there will be always SI defenders that will proclaim the game is perfect and smooth sailing and can't see anyone criticize the game. That seems the person you are debating against.

  10. A lot has already been said about this years' game, still I would like to add up, because it may not matter on the grand scheme of things, but still will probably be money lost unnecessairly from SI.

    I play this game pretty much to see things in the field that I imagine in my head. Sometimes it works well, sometimes it doesn't, that's life. The other things are not really that important to me, or something that really catches my eye.

    So, after what I said during beta, I will post another review about what I feel about the Match Engine:
    - Having the "play out of defense" TI is suicide. When discussing the game with friends they say you should disable it in order to reduce the dumb stuff your defense and midfield does, it goes from "it's your tactics bro" to "it's your game, SI".
    - Still on the defense and playing out. Dear god aren't the CD's bad at playing out of the back in this years' game. They can get out of defense with intricate passes between them if pressed, then they can just do some of the most brain dead passes to the opposing forwards and then run away from them and let a easy goal in. Also, they refuse to pass to an open midfielder, passing always to the full backs or just booting it up the field. You can't really progress the ball patiently, it's almost comical how that basic part of football was so neglected.
    - Piling up on what I wrote previously, every pass to the midfield (when it rarely happens) is the same as losing the ball because your midfielder will fall asleep and lose the ball.
    - When due to some minor miracle your team can get in the opposing midfield it becomes a rush fest. Your players just boot it up. Doesn't matter the mentality, or the TI's, really. I've seen some games in full with various tactics and instructions that the exact moment the ball passes the midfield it's like the pass into space instruction is activated and the midfielders just lob it up. Then I receive the assistant feedback of "we aren't keeping possession in the opponent's half". I mean, yeah, I know, but can't really be my fault when all tactical approaches lead to that. It seems that the only differences you can do are about possession. For how long do you want your centre backs to be passing between them?
    - I also don't really like how the winger roles (IF and IW mainly) work. I have been playing FM21 lately and I got EXCITED when I saw an inverted winger cut inside and shoot or pass. Imagine being EXCITED for something as common as an inverted winger cutting inside. This also applies to the AMC roles that were always way too high in the field and acted like Shadow Strikers.
    - The difficulty between playing at home and away also is way too big. I was playing with Hajduk Split and I destroyed everyone at home and faced a lot of difficulties playing away, and I felt it was artificially hard, like a flip was switched if I was winning at the 60 min mark. That was funny to watch when playing Dinamo Zagreb and in 10 minutes they go from 0-1 to 2-1, making more than a shot per minute in that time because my centre backs found funny to put the ball in the opposing forwards.
    - Too many balls to the wordwork and missed penalties, no further explanation needed.

    All in all, I don't feel like I can play the way I envision this FM. It's frustrating. Even winning I don't enjoy it, at all. I uninstalled the game. For the first time since I play FM (since FM13) I am playing a previous edition. This is the year that the two teams I support (Benfica and Arsenal) have two of the most exciting rosters since I support them and...I don't want to play with said rosters because of a broken match engine. People know I love FM, to the point of people making caricatures of me with the FM logo designed with it or some reference to the game. Every year people ask me my feedback about the game and they listen to it and sometimes they buy the game, or wait another year, but I always end with a positive note or something to rave about that years' game. Always positive feedback. This year, I say people not to buy it, that it is a disgrace and to ask me again when the last update is released, because that's it, the last update will determine how I rate this game, but tbh I don't have any expectations for an improve.

    Also, because I think sometimes SI gets complacent due to some people that will always say good stuff about the game even if it sucks, this is a message to some members of the community.
    Stop with the "it's your tactics, bro" everytime an issue is reported, specially when it's an issue that is widespread and various people complain about the same. It's not because in your game that your winger cutted inside and you record it and you come here with a "gotcha" that the game is perfect and does everything you want. It does not work like that and you end up just saying everyone but you is dumb and there is no incentive for SI to bring out a better game, because eventually who complains will just leave.

  11. So, having played a few games, only going to talk about the ME.

    The good:
    more variety of plays; the ball bounces more realistically and the attributes seems to matter more on the passing; also like how some roles behave (mainly in midfield)

    The bad:
    the interceptions, dear christ so many of them, playing with 3 defenders and 2 cm's/dm's to have stability when playing out of the back doesn't really matter because of the absurd number of interceptions of the opposition (and I concede almost all my goals like that); the 1v1 finishing is still a bit not really there, there are really just two options, they will blast the ball to the post and in, or they will pass it to the keeper, no middle ground; sometimes players are too static despite having roam from position, they will just stand there not looking to receive the ball; the central defenders just lateralize every time and refuse to do a central pass, even with the DLP unmarked and begging for the ball.

    I think that when the full release is out, it will be better, but those are my peeves for now.

    edit: the CD's refuse to make a simple ball to the midfielders, but try too many times a direct pass to the striker, that is another one I had forgotten.
    Also, too many long shots and I can't make a creative player on the AMC position make a through ball even if it's the obvious thing to do and has a lot of space, he'll just shoot from distance because things.
    The press, I feel like my players don't press high, for some reaon? Really weird, but I'll tweak a bit with the individual pressing to see if it changes.

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