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50 "Houston, we have a problem"


  • Biography
    Football Manager Classic: LIFE!

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    Standard de Liège

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  1. No. and if I were you I wouldn't create expectations. They are of little interest to us. They just want to suck us in.
  2. First they abandoned us and left us on the tablet version of FMT21. Now do we need a signature? Even though I have it, I won't download anything. And I'll say more, I'm going to rate the game with 1 star. You are no longer thinking of us as players, as fans. you are just trying to get an idea of how to get money from us. How can a mobile version have such a high value compared to the PC version? It's the end of FM for me. I give up. In the last two years I still had hope for the return of the Touch version for tablets. But I see that this is a waste of time. The mobile version, in addition to being limited, now requires a subscription. Make a version of the game with the fans in mind, consequently you will have a financial return.
  3. Unfortunately once again we won't have the Touch version on Steam, sad !
  4. I believe it would be viable to have both FM Mobile and FM Touch options for iOS and Android (Smartphone). This would eliminate the incompatibility problem and consequently increase the number of people interested in the game. To differentiate the two versions you could change the name of FM Touch to FM Classic, you would attract new players to both versions. Those who don't have as much time as before but want something close to Football Manager would have a lot of fun with the FM Classic version. And not to mention that kid who has grown up and wants to be at the next level, having an experience close to the PC version would be something surreal for many who don't have a tablet, iPad (when the game was available) or PC.
  5. we all want the Touch version on Android, iOS and PC (Steam) without that subscription to play. to depend on the internet? We want to be able to play a lighter version, anywhere without having a great PC. A suggestion, why not make a Touch version available for mobile? Today we have several cell phones with great processors. It would be a big hit. Much more than the Xbox version, I assure you.
  6. In the meantime, I'm still playing FM Touch 21. Why don't you give a new version for Android and iOS devices with the Touch version. Come on SI, our Christmas present!
  7. if it is possible to do this, then can you load the 3D kit on the FM Touch Android home screen?
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