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Everything posted by Scraborn

  1. i just took a look at the fifa worldrankings and saw san marino on 121... do we miss a nation in FM?
  2. same goes for me beside raiding other clubs in the league... if i steal them players i took only regens with a good potential to develop them myself but hopefully they start to turn professional someday
  3. but the apperance fees doesnt go 1:1 into the salary budget - my first goal is to turn professional then i have somesort of financial backbone cause i will be giarantied to win the league year by year to get european money to upgrade my facilities... Oh and in the early years try to avoid growing on players.... sounds a bit harsh buit in the early years they are just meat comming by to play for you and leave after the first better offer... my plan is 1. Professional Football 2. Making the domnestic competitions my oyster 3. Improve squad and club 4. Maybe a new stadium 5 Attacking Europe in steps like get to groupstages repeatedly 6. Hello fellow wonderkids 7. Building the League 8. Attacking the world with the National Team
  4. yeah you can try and hope or just replace them... players for this nonprofessional level are more than enough in range just ask your DoF and he brings you young players who are mostly better than the whole league
  5. I put all the transferbudget in the salary budget and ignored most of my players who were at the beginning in the club to get those better and cheaper free agents... my most expensive costs me 4030€ for the whole season which is easy to manage... Using my free agents i never had a problem with missing the budgets. Yeah i went slightly in to the red in summer but with the Conference League money i'm richer than ever before Hopefully you use the suggested database @ChiccObrought in.
  6. @Rysi3kthere you go San Marino - League and Cup.fmf San Marino Serie D.fmf
  7. until your team is a professional one there will be allways an ongoing stream of players coming in or leaving your club... for my players i pay them around 45 up to 130 for a single match so you dont need to buy any player... just ask your director of football for players and ignore your scouts cause you dont need them at this point - keep hold to all the cash you got and try to turn professional asap
  8. if i need a new player or a replacemnt cause someone is leaving i ask my director of football to suggest me a free agent for this position and i rial them for 2 or 3 weeks and then i sign the one who fits best Transfers>DoF>suggestions>choose free/position and go for them all This is my Ballwinning deffensive midfielder he brought up as a free agent
  9. What is your tactic for your teams? You handcrafted one or took inspiration from the workshop? We play in a offensive 4-1-1-3-1 with to supporting Wingbacks to overlap on the wings to give us more attacking width. Both Wingers are inside forwards to give us the numbers in the box. My striker needs to be a fast, or at least faster one for some deep runs. And for the middle of the park we have a ball winnign deffensive midfielder with a box-to-box one infrnot of him to connect the front and the back half of the team. For some "flair" we have an advanced playmaker as a true #10. I came up last FM with this tactic and it worked on allmost every level for me. The deffence could be a bit better but the scorring output is massive and keeps everything positive.
  10. I found this guy at the SM Academy and I hope he will become somewhat decent for my team - hopefully I can change his mentality cause he is unambitious - but right now he is my benchstriker
  11. This gonna hurt - 12 players will leave me on a free deal in summer - most of them are starters... conference league will be fun against Alashkert from Armenia - lets just take the 100k and hoard them
  12. you have the chance to change the archtecture of the greeddriven big-money-football into a footballing world where a small but mighty giant can rule everything **** big money clubs like PSG, City and what ever they may be called and let them fear the power of idk San Giovanni/Tre Penne or Tre Fiori - the sun will never shine brighter than above monte titano...
  13. My first Season is done and there was more light than shadow. More chaos then ever on the Transfermaked. And suffering for the National side We start with the final leaguetable with us on second and participating in the ECL next season due to the won penaltyshootout in the playoff final I started recruiting free agents suggested by my DoF - but most of the took us as a springboard out of the league in months so we dont realy know what cohesion is - but this is fine beeing an semiproteam on the rise. You see there was a constant stream of players coming in and going out - hopefully we can stabilise soon Next we will take a look at some of my better players - i wanted to show you my best striker but he left after almost 6 months so i put his replacement in here - who will leave after the season. Both score a fair amount of goals at least. Coming up the two players who featured as the ONE san marinese player i had to have on the pitch. Both hat some influence as our wings but the other guys were much better. We continue with our youth intake wich was underwhelming but i will sign a few to have some homegrown players Our results were better when the saison took on but seeing my defenders was some sort of a nightmare. So many errors on first touch etc... Cupwise we reached the semifinal but yeah the performance was rather poor And in the end my run with the nationalteam - at least we score some goals. My qualifiergroup is a bit scary but maybe the next Nationsleague will bring so points. This was my first year and also my first time taking part in a challenge here on the forum. I hope you can at least understand my german screenshots but the attributes are sorted like in the english version and the symbols are the same. I hope this post wasnt to long. Good luck for you guys and see you after season two!
  14. So Tre Fiori has two chances to choke the league - we made to many easy errors in the early stages in the league no wonder my team is 19.9 years on average
  15. you manage to take a draw with the national team? nice... i played 3-4 against Moldova and 2-4 against Latvia... but thanks to my 4-1-1-3-1 Nicolo Nanni is on 4 goals for San Marino
  16. First intake of quality - off to a great start the good thing is i need only one in league matches... international competition could become a pain
  17. @ChiccOI play only in San M;arino cause i plan to make them a highly competative football heaven
  18. @Conardojust the database for italy mentioned in in post #1... doesnt matter that much for me cause i'm in san marino
  19. @ChiccOor you do it like me and go for the San Marino league for additional pain
  20. @BCarwardinefor me i have San M;arino (obvious), France, Germany and England down to Tier2, Italy to Tier 4 (might change in the future and the topleagues from Belgium, The Netherlands and Portugal plus a database of around 135,000 players - not the fastest setting but works for me fine
  21. Still nothing to check but we set a new record in the UEFA Nations League The festest goal ever scored Nicola Nanni after 30 Seconds against Moldova - I thought a win was possible to tick the first task.... but to many defensive errors occured in the 3:4 loss
  22. aye have fun in san marino the comunity helped me so much last year when i started my fm life so its just fair that i help where im able to help
  23. if you want you can add me on discord and we do it together Scraborn#3471
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