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Kirkus Octavius

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Everything posted by Kirkus Octavius

  1. I'm really not sure whether this is a bug, or just a very eccentric design decision. I'm managing AS Roma. One of the club objectives is - for my first year, no less - to qualify for the Champions' League. The objective is "Desired". Yeah, I "desire" to win 10 million bucks in next week's Lotto draw too, but my chances are about the same as those of both the real and the fictional AS Roma making the Champions' League. The Board may as well have given me a "Desired" objective of "Land the first man on Venus". Annoyingly, when I had my first meeting with the Board there was no option to negotiate that objective, nor any other objective for this year. Why, I have no idea. But hey, I can fix it to make the objectives more realistic with the In Game Editor (IGE), right? No. In the first screen shot below you can see the board objectives, and the ones that I can remove. I seem to be able to dump any of the Actionable Objectives and Informational Objectives, except for the "Required" one of "Work Within The Wage Budget". I can even delete the one that expects me to sign high profile players when I have 5 quid in a cookie jar for a transfer budget, and some loose coins for the remains of my wages budget. But I won't; I'll take that one as a challenge even though it's logically absurd. (But to be fair, it may be less so once I start clearing dead wood; I've no idea this early in the season.) But in the 5 Year Plan there seems to just be a random grab bag of objectives that I can delete, and none in the current year. Why??? Just... WHY??? Why those specific objectives when other similar objectives in other years aren't listed? Similarly with the Supporter Objectives I can delete the first five... but not the 6th, which is "Qualify for the Europa League". I don't actually WANT to delete that since I'm reasonably confident that we can do that, but that's not the point. Why is THAT one not deletable while the other 5 are. I thought that it may have been because it was "Required" but then so is the (deletable) "Finish above Lazio". I don't know what to make of this and whether it should be reported as a bug or not.
  2. I know that this is something that you don't need to do regularly, but frankly the Staff Responsibilities page gives me a slight case of the irrits. I love the intention of putting it all in one place. I'm less pleased by the fact that it really isn't. If you have the [Manager] button selected, then you can click on the dropdown for anything that you manage and delegate it to someone else. What you CAN'T do is take BACK anything that is delegated to your staff. If you can click on the drop-down of something that the staff controls, you get... nothing. Instead, you have to click on the [Staff] button. From there you can click on the drop down and take control of something that your staff is doing. What you CAN'T do when the Staff button is active is click on the drop-down and delegate to your staff something that you control. Nope, for that, you have to click on the [Manager] button again. I know that this isn't a huge issue... but I'd rather not needing to continually flip between the [Manager] and [Staff] buttons when I'm sorting this out.
  3. OK, I've uploaded it as 20221022_Kirkus Octavius - Roma Beta.fm That appears to be the very first iteration of that save; I know I spent some time on the game subsequently and I could have sworn that I did later saves, but they aren't on either my local drive or the cloud. (Edit: Oh, wait... it's the OneDrive issue again. The original save went into my C:\users\me\documents folder, the later ones went into my OneDrive folder that the File -> Open dialog seems unaware of.) It doesn't matter though, the one that i uploaded shows the issue.
  4. The summary at the top of the page is reporting that I have 18 team members. There are indeed 18 people listed. However there are 19 people shown in the jobs summary: 1/1 Director of Football; 1/1 Technical director (that's 2 people) 1/1 Chief Scout (That's 3) 15/10 Scouts (That's 18 BUT... count the number of people whose main job is "scout"; there are only 14.) 1 Recruitment Analyst (That's 19). The only way that you get to 15 scouts is EITHER by counting the Chief Scout as a scout (which you shouldn't, because it's a different role; more managerial, less in the field) OR you count Bruno Conti's secondary job. I think the latter may be happening, because the only way we have a Technical Director is if you count Tiago Pinto's secondary job. NOBODY holds that title as their primary job. (If that is the case, though, there's an inconsistency in the count of Recruitment Analysts because we have one guy with that primary job, one with a secondary job, but only 1 Recruitment Analyst in total.) That isn't even the principal problem. You would be using the position summary at the top to work out how overstaffed you are, and therefore how many people you need to put the axe to. According to that, I have 5 too many scouts but in reality I have only FOUR over my authorised level. Conti isn't going to be sitting in the rain at Gewiss Stadium trying to find me a new midfielder at Atalanta, so even if I get rid of 4 scouts to get me back to 10 "real" scouts, the game is still going to see me as "overstaffed" by one scout just because one person has a secondary job title that he'll never use.
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