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Posts posted by Darkonn

  1. 2 hours ago, pilmalm said:

    I see you've uploaded the tactic to FM-scout, when downloading from there the AMC is a shadow striker, some update you made? 

    Anything else switched from the tactic here? 

    Hey dude. I did several experiments over a long period of time to find out what the best role for AMC and Wingers Back is in 4-2-3-1 tactics, and some may not agree or find it strange but ...
    AMC is much better as a Trequartist and the Wingers as an Advanced Playmaker.




  2. 14 hours ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    1) How did your players perform. Season average rating? 

    I owe you a screenshot, as I have just been called to train INTERNAZIONALE MILANO, but of the 11 holders there are 3 over 8, and 8 over 7.4


    14 hours ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    2) I can see that you have applied personal instructions to your winger and your IF. What did you apply them?

    Winger: Staying Open, Kicking Less, Aggressive Tackling and Dribbling More

    IF: Staying Open, Kicking Less and Aggressive Tackling

  3. 1 hour ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    So if I understand you correct. Inverted winger right side should have the best foot as left?

    Exactly. That's right

    1 hour ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    Any personal instructions? Roam from position etc?

    He only puts aggressive tackling and shooting less, so that he only kicks when he has a good chance.


    1 hour ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    How about the width of your team? Narrow or wide?

    Team width is wide with extremes, almost 90% of the time currently plays with Wingers, so it is good that the attacking and defensive width is up to the sides.

  4. 13 hours ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    I am just curious about what the season average is for your two IF, because I also use a 4231 system. I change between winger, IF and IW because i cant get them to perfrom better than 7.00-7.10 per season. Stengs, Renyer, Kluivert and Pedri.

    I also took the time to find the best option for 4-2-3-1 tactics. The conclusion I reached was as follows: If your Wingers have the best foot contrary to your effective position, you go from Inverted Winger, if his best foot is equal to your position, go from Winger. Why? If you put Inside Forward, it will disrupt the midfield, so it is best that the Wingers stay open. Try that.

  5. 55 minutes ago, wwwtd said:

    Lurked for years.  Created account just to say that my friend you are onto something fantastic. 


    Set pieces = A+

    Player roles / instructions = A+


    I've slightly tweaked your tactic into a 4-4-1-1 changing the Am role to APa and using Wa widemen.  It is awesome when I am the favorite in PL with spurs season 2.  I have a stable direct counter tactic for away games, but this right here is a great starting point to make my tactics even better.


    While I am not using the original you downloaded, I am using the concepts for 442 4411 and possibly 4141 because those are the formations I like.

    Great job, dude.


    And @ThomasHK1979 he has scoreline 6-1 and 4-0 across the board.  What is a player rating screenshot going to do for you here : ) 



    Cool, put your tactic for download, I’m going to test it. I need a tactic with good counterattack qualities, because I'm at FC PORTO now, and playing in the Champions League is complicated.

  6. 4 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    Two players being injured isn't an issue.

    That's because I just started the pre-season. Anyway, since the Championship Manager is like that, then it will not be now that this will change, it is adapting, having a slightly larger squad and praying for not having so many injuries.

    Thanks to everyone, I got a lot of great tips. :applause:


    Subject Closed :brock:

  7. 4 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    I have no idea what any of that means. I am talking about the medical centre.

    This image is from the Medical Center (Risk Assessment or Injury Analysis). But if you're talking about the general, it's here...




    Detail: I just started the pre-season training, and on the second day of training 2 players were injured.

  8. On 01/07/2020 at 04:03, XaW said:

    SI have confirmed that in their tests the injury count in game is about 80% what happens in real life. So it's not high, unless you are doing something wrong or have very injury prone players

    Only now that I read about this issue. Well then, SI is completely CRAZY, because nowhere in the world is there this absurd amount of injuries. I'm Brazilian, and we have the largest number of championships in the world, because unfortunately the leaders here (as well as the politicians) only think about money. Anyway, it's an error, bug, madness or whatever, but that high number of injuries shouldn't exist.

  9. 12 hours ago, Pasonen said:

    Another tip. Dont trust assistant made training schedules. Many times theres General training after a game first no recovery. Start week with recovery. 1-2 days between games assistant fill these many times with General training. Go for match prep like in real world.

    What are the essential attributes the Assistant Coach should have for a good training?

  10. On 28/06/2020 at 10:07, Footix said:

    I just realised it's possible to add a column to the squad view, called "injury risk" or something (don't remember the exact wording and I don't have the game open now). 

    It's great. Whenever I see someone marked as "high" I do a serious re-think "do I really need him for this game?". 

    Helps with squad rotation. My injuries have plummeted after I started taking notice to this. 

    I did the same thing, it improves a little, but this game definitely has some problem with injuries, it is very high. :onmehead:

  11. 21 hours ago, Prepper_Jack said:

    If you don't like injuries, you may want to adopt a lower intensity tactic, and set up your training schedule differently. I personally only use "get stuck in" when I'm in desperate need of possession. Otherwise, my players get told to stay on their feet. While I'm a fan of higher tempos, I only use them when my players have the stamina to handle it, and train them in endurance until that intensity bar is no longer red. My players also train at half intensity at 80-89% condition, and none below - though double at 90-100%. In the last season I had all of 12 injuries. Four of them were relatively serious, and three of them were obtained in matches where the other team was using gegenpress with a team that had virtually no tackling skill (I lost two in a single match whereas they lost 4). I hate it when the opposing team is that irresponsible and reckless. The other was a simple sprained ankle that took a month to heal. The other 8 were minor strains that went away in a couple days. Whenever it became available, I sent them to do general rehab, which prevents these injuries from being a more common occurrence.

    If you're a big team with a big budget, and want to gegenpress, by all means do. Just ensure your players know how to tackle well, and know how to dive into tackles. Doing so will reduce the risk to your players as well as the opposition. If you're into a tight marking game, make sure their marking skills are very good, and they've learned how to tight mark, or you'll have collisions. If you're full time, check your training schedule. It may be pretty intense. Scheduling a lighter workload could help. Also, 1-2 recovery sessions per week should keep your players at low risk of injury.

    An injury a week sounds like you're abusing your players.

    Good tips. Thank you :applause:

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