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Posts posted by temporaryeggs

  1. Playing 4-2-3-1 wide, tactical style control possession, pressing high and hard.  Opponent was playing the exact same formation, and it became pretty obvious that he was pressing hard too.  What to do?  

    I tried dropping back and playing a direct counter attack style, thinking to hit them over the top.  It...didn't go according to plan.  Ended up losing 3-0 with 3 sucker punches after switching to attacking wing play to chase a result.

    What do you do if you encounter the exact same formation and style?

  2. Offside champion? An unwanted crown...
    My star AMR has been called offside the most in the entire league by some distance (54 times in 25 appearances) . He's been playing as a winger on attack. What can I do about it? So far, I'm thinking individual training to work on anticipation (but he's 27 so maybe too old). Or to play him in a deeper position (MR instead of AMR), or change him to winger on support. What do you guys think? Thanks!
  3. Hi, new to this site, so apologies if it's on the wrong thread. 

    My laptop is about one year old, processor is Intel Core i5-825OU CPU @1.60GHz  1.8 GHz, 8.00 GB RAM.  It ran the game well, and everything seemed fine for a while.

    Then recently, I got a message from SI, that my laptop was not good enough to run fm 2020, and it recommended that I input a command into FM 2020 on steam to enable a low graphics setting.  It wasn't a setting within the game itself, I had to input it in steam.  I input the command, and predictably it made everything look like arse, from the manager pic at the start menu, to removing the crowds from the stadiums.  Admittedly, it looks appropriate for the current covid situation, but now I'm having heap big remorse.  Does anyone know how to reverse the low graphics settings?  Thanks!

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