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Dr Pepper Man

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Everything posted by Dr Pepper Man

  1. I decided to embark on a monster challenge. As a Stockport supporter I wanted to take them to the Premier League but once I got there I realised becoming Champions of England wasn't enough I wanted us to become the most successful team in England EVER. I'm now in season 10 and I am about to win my 2nd Premier League title back to back. I've also won the Europa League and Champions League (Had a lucky run and beat A Madrid luckily in the final). I've been playing football manager since the old Champ Manager days so I feel now I'm getting better at the game I want to test myself even more than usual. In my squad there is not 1 single real life player. I have all regens either brought up through my ranks or poached from other teams youth squads. I'm happy to provide screenshot if anyone is interested in how my rise to the top has gone so far and would like to know whether I can complete my challenge of becoming the most successful English team. This save could take me so long it may run into fm25 (if they allow us to transfer our saves over like with fm24). Thank you for taking the time to read this and anyone would like to know how things go please comment and will happily give more details.
  2. Ive just had my 2nd Youth Intake at Stockport County and strangely ive had something ive never had before. i Had a CB in there who is almost perfect. now what i mean by that is he hs model citizen personality and when i entered his attributes into a website to see what his ability is it is currently at 136. ive never had this EVER before. I dont own the in game editor so its not like it could have been changed. Ill post pictures once i know how to do it as im not techincally knowledgeable. any words of advice as to whether this is something that can happen or is it a bug? i made a save 1 week before my intake so if its a bug ill restart back from then if its just the game ill keep running it as it is
  3. Spartans FC Prmotoed to the Championship A great season all round and after an amazing promotion winning season the board are expecting another promotion next season meaning the Cinch Premiership is just 1 step away for us
  4. Sorry for the long time between updates, i havent had much time to play. i finished 8th anf 7th in my last 2 season in scotland. screenshots posted below
  5. Different. i assume the domestic side will be easier itll be harder to win in Europe though. itll be very different to my england save
  7. Decided to complete the YA Challenge with teams from England Scotland and Wales will update you on my saves as i go
  8. @darren1983is there a copy of the HoF so i can show my mate. he doesnt believe im on there lol
  9. Thank you very much. thank you for keeping this challenge going im looking forward to doing more of them
  10. Its also the longest save ive ever done. im going to do it again but in a different continent
  11. I hope so lol. this has been the most fun save ive ever done though
  12. those players joined as youth players and i gave them 4 year deals with 3 optional. they asked many times for new contracts i just kept refusing lol
  13. Challenge finally completed. it took 19 years but Basford United won the premier league and champions league. it wasnt comforable for most of the season but we got there in the end. ive really enjoyed this challenge, im thinking of taking this one step further by starting a new save and doing it while putting my DoF in charge of sales too so i cant keep my players that i choose. that might be too tough to do. thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read my updates and good luck to everyone in this challenge
  14. Basford Win the Premier League ana amazing season culminating in winning the prem and the quropa league. surely only 1 step left to go now? we also won the carabao cup. our best players was Gk thomas with a 7.20 rating and our top scorer was Edwards with 17 goals
  15. This is a post i didnt expect to put yet but here it goes.....................Basford United finish 6th in the Premier League, we also win the FA Cup and Carabao Cup A great season way better than i ever thought but we were great from the off and carried the momentum through the season. We beat Man City in the carabao cup final and Ipswich in the FA Cup final. We secured 6th place on the final day as we scored a 90th minute winner v Arsenal and Liverpool lose at home to Fulham. I expected another 2 or 3 years before i made the top half but now we have to improve next year. Nana Zakari was our best player and top scorer. no players released this year.
  16. BASFORD UNITED ARE IN THE PREMIER LEAGUE After the last 2 seasons i was quietly confident of us being in the playoffs this season. but an unbeaten 17 game run which delivered 14 wins catapulted us to the top spot. and despite a shaky end, Everton also had a wobble and were unable to catch us. The best season weve had by a mile. this is by far the longest save ive ever done most only last 10 years so to hit the 16 season mark and start my 17th as a premier league team is unbelievable. Our best player was Cooper Appleby, the left back hitting a rating of 7.37 and our top scorer was 20 year old German Nana Zakari. Next season will be tough but weve got some good experienced players mixed with some good youngsters i think we might be ok. EDIT. We had a rather poor intake this year but we were able to pluck out 1 lucky gem from it with Italian CB Luca Marasco looking like he could be one to watch
  17. Another season in the championship. a slow start but we got lucky in that id loaned out 2 players who i thought werent great. turns out theyve developed well in 3 years of loans but id left them in the U21s. brought them back and they went straight into the first team. won 7 of the last 8 beating Derby (3rd) and west brom (2nd) in the last 2 games. owners pumped more money into the facilities and all being well next season i should have them all maxed out. An ok intake but we brought in players in positions id use so see how they pan out. on to next season. i feel like we are going to be up near the top if i can keep my best players.
  18. Basford survive but end poorly Having been a rough season all round we did somehow secure survival with 4 games remaining which is a good thing as we lost all 4 of our last 4 games. Forced to sell Joe Lloyd as we put a £10m release clause thinking noone would match it, but after all month rejecting offers Norwich finally hit the mark and we couldnt stop him leaving. Instantly went and put bigger release clauses in our more promising players. Dayle Taylor and Jerome Wright will be released this season. We are looking good for surivial next season despite a very poor Intake this season.
  19. BASFORD PROMOTED TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP It took until the final minute of the entire season but we did it. After almost being relegated in the previous season we were able to go on a 11 game unbeaten run to secure the playoffs and beat Swansea 2-1 thanks to Captain Dalton Willimont-Beazeley's 119th minute winner. A new owner came in and appears to be a tycoon although cant be sure but has invested heavly in facilities. We moved into our new stadium but lost our first game there. Our best player was Mohamed Mohamed (yes thats his name) with a rating of 7.41 and our top scorer was Kaide Toney with 34. We Also won the Papa Johns Trophy. 1 more away from the Premier League
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