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  1. Wasn’t this supposed to be a new engine with new code? So why does it matter if shouts did not work properly until now? Also and as usual we hear only about fluff and nothing about core issues such as AI squad building, training, player interactions, match engine…
  2. I completely agree. There's not one FM Youtuber I ever followed and I've been playing since CM 98/99 or something. And I really dislike that SI made the game more suitable to the Youtubers format of 3-4 seasons rather than cater the loyal hardcore fanbase. The best advice I can give however is to start small - small club, small league, small squad. Because if you, say, start with Real Madrid or any big club in a big league, you'll have several dozens players to manage, a multitude of staff roles, several "second" squads and satellite clubs, an endless league and so on. Which will make the game so tedious that you will give up. With a small club you get less media attention and overall just much less things to worry about so you focus on the core mechanics of the game itself.
  3. Have you tried Davinci's mods? I haven't but he has a good reputation. I'm just a bit weary of investing the time needed to prepare a new save only to find a deficient AI a few years ahead. Oh man I used to have so much fun doing Youth Challenges in FM17 and 18...
  4. In your opinion which was the last FM to work well in long term saves? I only play long saves, youth develoment or start unemployed with no badges or experience, so I haven't bought the last couple FMs.
  5. There's not one best way to play FM. But the beauty of this game is its infinite possibilities. One guy will play the team he supports and try to win it all. Other will start unemployed and write his own story. I personally always start with an idea for that story. Say, my "dream" is to win the Bundesliga, the top league where football is still more important than money and TV rights. But starting the save there is a bit too easy and boring for me. So I pick one of the sorrounding leagues, where I can have success and then hopefully jump ship to Germany. It could be Austria, Poland, Hungary, and so on. Another idea is to manage Real Madrid, the greatest club in the world. So I idealize a possible path, say starting young in the lower spanish leagues, maybe try to reach Getafe or some of the satelites and so on.
  6. This ruins the game for me and part of the reason I haven't yet "upgraded" from FM21. It's been downhill since FM18 in terms of AI squad and player development. For casuals this may not seem a big deal but for hardcore players this simply undermines all your efforts.
  7. Started the save in Portugal but have no u19 players, they are all grays. Is this normal? Yes I loaded players from all divisions in the country. I'm also without strikers... Could be a bug?
  8. Are we supposed to start with u19 players? Mine are gray's only out and I loaded every division in the country..
  9. Portugal dates, anyone? Cheers edit: it's the 30th of June. Like last year, reroll before the 1st of May.
  10. Maybe someone from SI can chime in. The leaderboards have always been a mysterious part of FM to me.
  11. How is it an overreaction? unless you play just a few seasons, the world becomes very irrealistic
  12. This is way too serious and for many (including me) it's a gamebreaking bug. So I sincerely hope this is fixed for the full release otherwise I'll have to go back to 21
  13. 15 technique, 16 flair, what are the researchers smoking? If you lower his physicals he'd play as a brazilian virtuoso..
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