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Everything posted by RossT551

  1. I've asked previously and was told it was being looked into.. Summer transfer window opens before the leagues reset, meaning pretty much all transfers made in June, and some of July depending on nation, go through on the previous seasons transfer history. Has this been sorted yet? Also, Is there any reason the seasons can't reset earlier, say after the champions league final, given that this is the last game all the major european leagues play.
  2. Thanks.. But no luck. in preferances the only clear cache is the tick box which i unticked.. Still not working?
  3. It's not working for me.. The little FM icon gets replaced with WTS but everything else stays the same, Any help?
  4. Apologies... I didn't get a screen shot but it was the champions league final.
  5. As has been an issue for a while, when a player is signed at the start of the new season, but before the leagues have re-set, the transfers go through on the previous seasons transfer history. This is more an annoayance than a bug but please can this be addressed.
  6. After the initial 5 pentalies are taken, no more number are added, instead the 5 penalty spot goes back to grey.
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