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Everything posted by rsihn

  1. In my own save, I had a few players unimpressed with me over quite a long time (not nearly as many as you have though) and it went away when I sold one of the team leaders, who was also the captain. Strangely enough, this TL/captain never had any issues with being unimpressed with me though I always felt he underperformed compared to his ability. Once he was sold, everyone has fully backed me and it has stayed like that for months.
  2. Still not fixed in FM24. I've now realized that I'm part of the problem here as I keep buying your games even though you don't fix the issues that I've taken the time to document and post. So I'm going to remedy that myself by not purchasing another one of your games until you can prove to me that you've fixed this issue.
  3. The only rule I use for setting the auto intensity settings is to try to have it line up as closely as possible to what the the medical staff is recommending for as many of the players as possible. You probably won't be able to find a setting that captures the recommendation but if my medical staff is saying that 75% of the squad should be training on normal intensity when it top condition then I change the top intensity to normal then I do this for every other setting. It changes over the course of the season and is largely dependent on match load. I check the medical staff's intensity advice a couple of times a week and frequently have to make manual changes for players returning from injury which the auto intensity settings aren't' able to capture.
  4. Yes. It seems like my players learn nothing from the training being provided by staff member who doesn't have at least basic ability to speak the language. I've also noticed that if you let your assman decide the training assignments, he will often put staff members who dont' speak the language in assignments where they aren't the lead trainer (presumably to cover up the language barrier) rather than in their best training category.
  5. Yeah but it removes the option to release the player once he accepts an end of contract offer from another club. To be fair, the same thing happens with AI controlled clubs who are forced to keep players who have signed end of contract deals with another club but it seems like such a strange design decision considering that there is no logical reason why the players wouldn't be released by both AI and human controlled clubs as soon as their contract expires.
  6. As noted in the title, I've never understood why when a player's contract expires and he has agreed to join a new club, why does my club have to keep paying him until he joins the new club. This isn't exclusive to FM24 as it has been this way as long as I can remember. I'm managing in Finland. Nearly all player contracts end on November 30 each year and I am not renewing the contract of this player as he is no longer needed. He signs a contract with a new club but the transfer window doesn't open until January 17. Once he signs the deal with the new club, I can't release him and have to keep paying his wages until January 17 despite him being out of contract and no longer wanted. I can't imagine this playing out like this in the real world and clubs would be very eager to get this player off their books as soon as the contract expired but in FM, I'm stuck paying his wages for the next 6 weeks and have him train with our team for over 4 weeks of preseason. Why is it set up like this?
  7. Your training schedule is a contributing massively to the fatigue problems you are having. Amazing that you are even here complaining about your players being knackered when you removed all but one rest session for the week. PLAYERS NEED REST. It isn't optional. You are running your players into the ground each match day and then they aren't recovering the following week because you are forcing them to train every waking moment right up until the next match. Quit using this terrible training schedule and go back to SI's default training schedules which give more rest. You are probably screwed for the rest of this season as fatigue builds up over time and is very hard to get rid of once it has happened during a season but you need to make significant changes to your training schedules next season.
  8. So nobody at SI is going to respond why this has been broken for years? Or whether there are any plans to fix it in the new game engine?
  9. Could someone please explain to me the technical hurdles that cause the training schedule for B teams in unplayable/hidden leagues to not show when matches are being played? By keeping these matches hidden, the training schedule doesn't allow proper rest and recovery days after matches and your B (and youth) team players end up completely exhausted unless you micromanage the B team by checking every day to see if they've played a match and manually changing the schedule to allow for rest and recovery. Edit: let me add that I don't need to know the result of these hidden matches or any sort of league table, I just need the game to show that a match is going to be played on that day and have the training schedule adapt to this match day the same as it does for any other.
  10. Technical Director is a separate role that is supposed to oversee the coaching staff and be able to offer advice that a DoF isn't able to and vice versa regarding recruitment. The TD can be chosen to advise you on Backroom Staffing advice with the important attributes being JSA and Analysing Data and also chosen to advise on Player Development with the important attributes being JPA/JPP and WWY. The DoF is not given an option to do these things. Most members of your senior coaching team can also fulfill these duties but this is a pretty broad range of non-coaching attributes for them to have solid values in. Both the DoF and TD can be chosen to bring through your youth intake. On the recruitment side of things, the TD does not attend recruitment meetings nor offer Recruitment or Scouting Feedback advice which are all things the DoF can be selected for.
  11. SI must have changed something because each of those coaches would have a half star higher rating if this were FM23 according to https://fmcalc.com and it is true that Pozos would be a half star better than Pons. Edit: is there any chance the you are also having these coaches also perform another job such as sports scientist, as that will knock a half star off their rating presumably to indicate that they aren't able to dedicate all of their time to coaching.
  12. Aside from having staff development arrows now, have you changed the way staff members develop? In all prior versions of FM, both Level of Discipline and WWY were unchanging fixed stats for staff members but the image you included has those stats showing upward arrows for both. It also shows upward arrows for the GK coaching abilities though the coach in question is not a GK coach. While it has always been possible (though very very slow) to improve the GK attributes of non-GK coaches through coaching assignments, it is an unusual enough occurrence to make note of it. Is this some sort of change also?
  13. WWY definitely changes for your manager (though not for other staff). They seem to have nerfed the WWY progression in FM23 as it was always my manager's first attribute to get maxed out in prior games but has been one of the last in FM23. As for Determination, simply ask your board for something every chance you get whether it be a leadership course for your players or training facility upgrade. Every interaction with your board gives you a chance for your Determination stat to increase, especially the ones where you have to argue with the board over the ask. Your manager will also receive boosts to Determination through taking coaching courses but depending on how low you set your starting Determination, it might not be enough to hit 20 without the additional work of constantly asking for things from the board. As for Adaptability, it has always been a fixed stat for your manager for as long as I can remember but strangely, other staff members seem to have no problem raising their own stat. This never made sense to me and might just be a long running bug that has never been fixed.
  14. It sounds like your assman had already hit his PA before completing his coaching courses so they didn't give him any benefit. This isn't terribly unusual. As for favored personnel, this one can be a little bit weird and I've never been able to fully understand why some staff members favor you and others don't. In my experience, if they've worked with you for 3 years and don't list you as favored, it is never going to happen. I would guess that 90% of my coaching staff list me as favored within a couple of years but there always seem to be a few here and there who just don't like me.
  15. I've been doing this for a long time with my clubs. I started doing it when using teams that had just turned pro and didn't really have the budget or coaching spots for a dedicated fitness coach and by giving your SS a dual role, it doesn't count towards your coaching allowance so you essentially get a free extra coach. After doing this for awhile I found that it worked out quite well and continued with it. The only problem I find is that it becomes harder and harder to convince a SS to accept the dual role as you move to the top tiers of football. The game engine already gives a weighting to Fitness coaching in the CA calculation for sports scientists which implies that it is somehow important for the role so it only makes sense to me to go all in and have the same staff member perform both roles.
  16. Both Conti A and Pro are 12 month courses. OP is wrong about his other staff members sailing through those courses in 6 months.
  17. Like I said before, I've never found anything that improves Professionalism so anything you've done which causes drops throughout your save are cumulative. It would only take 8 instances of lack of Professionalism throughout your save to drop it down to 2. I've successfully maintained the default value of 10 through 2031 in my current save by simply doing the things I've mentioned after having similar problems to you in my previous FM21 long term save. If you figure out a way to raise Professionalism, I would like to hear about it.
  18. I'm pretty sure that losing your cool and throwing water bottles drops it. I believe there are certain answers in press conferences that also drop professionalism. As for other personality stats, I always end up with a 20 in both Ambition and Loyalty but Professionalism and Pressure both always go down. I've never seen Professionalism increase at any point. In my current save, I've made a point to try to avoid any drops in Professionalism and have succeeded so far after 8 years but I still really would like to know how to increase it similar to Ambition and Professionalism. Increasing Ambition seems to be solely down to answers given in press conferences and it can be increased by always choosing the answers stating that you just want to win. Pressure also seems to be down to a combination of press conference answers and results. Loyalty seems solely down to sticking with a club for a few years rather than constantly job hopping. I don't think I've ever seen any changes to Sportsmanship, Temperament, or Controversy in any of my long term saves.
  19. Applying for jobs while already employed quickly drops your professionalism. You will be asked about it in every job interview you get.
  20. Is Motivating highlighted as an important stat for scouts? Who would the scout be motivating exactly? Motivating is described in the game as "the mental ability of a staff member to motivate their players." It goes on to say "high motivation will allow them to suitably prepared the players for a variety of situations." It doesn't sound like any of the applies to the work of a scout. I think you are probably confusing Motivating with Determination.
  21. There isn't a single answer to this as it is dependent on your assman's ability. A world class assman is very good at picking the right training schedules to properly address the areas that your players are weak in and to continue developing their strengths. I'd even go so far as to say that my best assmen have exceeded my own results but I've found that this quickly diminishes once you are dealing with non-world class staff and you are likely to get much better results than them by doing it yourself.
  22. It better not be intentional as they previously accomplished the goal of not making it overpowered in FM23 by dropping the benefits of disciplinary action from 1 guaranteed full point down to what appears to .2 points. Fully removing your ability to discipline them at all is piling onto all the problems they've introduced regarding youth development. What kills me about this is SI didn't do anything for years to slow down the overpowered youth development in previous games and now they've thrown the kitchen sink at the problem and appear to have gone way too far. They could have introduced these changes one at a time over the years to get better insight as to what the right balance needed to be but instead they instituted mass changes all at once and seem to have really mucked things up. I'm in 2029 in the Swedish 3rd tier (with a 10 in training facilities which is pretty great for this level) and my players actively regress after they come through our intake. And I say this as someone with 10k+ hours of FM with most of that playing academy challenges so I'm very familiar with how to develop youngsters.
  23. Yes, motivating is an absolutely key component of coaching. Inability to motivate means that a staff member is no longer suitable to be a coaching staff member and needs to move over to working as a scout. This is the exact progression you see as a coaching team member gets older and naturally loses their points in their motivating stat in FM. Level of discipline is another absolutely key component of coaching. Low discipline means the staff member is allowing the players to cut corners in training and the players won't get as many of the benefits of that training session as they should. Coaching staff need 45 combined points in determination, level of discipline, and motivating to be able to achieve a 5 star coaching level. Determination and discipline are largely fixed stats that don't change for staff members (there are some small exceptions but I'm going to ignore those situation as they are fairly rare) which leaves motivating as the only stat in the DDM that can change. You can easily do the math from here and realize that you need at least 25 points in determination and discipline to begin with and then you need to develop motivating up to reach 45 points. There are various coach calculators on the net that you use to evaluate any of your current or prospective staff members. Build your backroom staff. They are more valuable than players to me.
  24. Yes but it is usually only one particular stat: Motivating. A staff member's Motivating stat will generally start to decline in their 60s (though it can sometimes be earlier) and will render them effectively useless for any roles that require the Motivating stat to be effective. While it is very clear that it affects all coaching roles, it also has a similar effect on the medical roles. Despite Motivating not being highlighted as one of the important attributes for the medical team, the pre-game editor shows that all the medical roles have given Motivating a weighting which shows that the game uses it for those roles. Sometimes, staff members will gain coaching stats as their Motivating stat drops.
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