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Issue Comments posted by rsihn

  1. Still not fixed in FM24.  

    I've now realized that I'm part of the problem here as I keep buying your games even though you don't fix the issues that I've taken the time to document and post.  So I'm going to remedy that myself by not purchasing another one of your games until you can prove to me that you've fixed this issue. 

  2. SI must have changed something because each of those coaches would have a half star higher rating if this were FM23 according to https://fmcalc.com and it is true that Pozos would be a half star better than Pons. 


    Edit: is there any chance the you are also having these coaches also perform another job such as sports scientist, as that will knock a half star off their rating presumably to indicate that they aren't able to dedicate all of their time to coaching. 

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