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Everything posted by e1twat0

  1. Thanks very much for your help buddy, if it helps these are the ones I've subcribed to
  2. I'm not sure what the downloads button does on the main screen of the game, I assume it opens the steam store but could be wrong. It just seems that there is no connection between the steam store and the items I subcribe to and the game. Basically this pops up when I click on the dropdown on the main screen that says 'more', I then click downloads I get the error.
  3. Cheers mate. Yeah tried that. I've got the main one that has my other skins in it, and 3 others, which just have a config file in them which looking at the dates was added around Jan this year. I have no idea what they are so not sure if it's safe to delete the folders or not. Tried to search for the error but seem to only get answers for trying to start an online game which I'm not doing, Confused.com
  4. Thanks for your response, downloading files from other sites like fmscout etc are fine as they initially show in my downloads folder, I then move to the folder destination you have added above and they work fine. I did subcribe to some tactics last year which came through fine. I think it must be to do with me not being able to log in on the game and click on the downloads option but not sure how to fix. I'm logged into Steam fine. Tried logging out of both, shutting down and even rebooting my laptop with no joy.
  5. I'm on a MacBook Air on FM24 and have subcribed to a couple of skins. I've tried logging out of steam and closing FM24 down but they don't seem to be showing downloaded. I've also tried the download link on the gam but get the attached error Can anyone please help?
  6. Tried that, nothing worked had to force close it. Luckily won the rematch 3-1
  7. After winning the super cup, I get to this screen, been like this for 10 minutes. I'm guessing my game has crashed. 5-1 against Real Madrid too as West Ham
  8. Thanks man, don't suppose you know if I downgrade back, if it will wipe my laptop do you. May need to do a back up first
  9. I'm part of the beta testing community for apple and I've just upgraded my OS to Sonoma. FM23 will not load now and I get the attached error. Any advice please. Do I need to go back to previous OS? I've reported the error
  10. Found it thanks, I was following the path from the wrong location. I should have been in the Macintosh HD folder as a starting point. Thanks very much for your help @rootcoors
  11. Yeah that’s one of the paths but the skins I’ve added don’t show and the ones I’ve deleted still show in the drop down in the preferences section of the game which I find weird
  12. Hi there. I've recently had an issue with slowness of the game so I uninstalled and reset my MacBook Air to factory settings (made a backup of all the graphics etc before resetting. Anyway, I'm trying to ad some skins to the game. I've managed to add a few but when I try to add more, I'm adding them into the Skins folder but they are not showing in the game. Up to now, I have located 2 possible folder locations on my MacBook that lead to the Sports Interactive folder. I've tried both locations but the new skins do not show in the folder. Also, on testing I have deleted one of the skins to see if I can pin point the right path, but the deleted skin doesn't get removed from any of the locations so I'm wondering where am I going wrong. What I have done in the past is to create a copy of the folder on my desktop too. make it easier to add graphics, which has worked in the past but until I get the right path I'm stuffed. Can. anyone please help me sort this out. TIA
  13. Hi all, is there anyway to purchase the touch version other than through the Apple Arcade. I want to purchase the game but wouldn't get enough use out of the Arcade to pay the £4.99 per month. I simply just want FMT23 only.
  14. I'm wanting to get into creating my own skin but only have a very limited knowledge of how to do it. I'd start off with the base skin and work off that but can anyone point me to starting point link a dummies guide to skinning for FM. Only thing I've managed to master so far it to change all the text from all CAPS. Any help would be awesome and appreciated. TIA
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