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Posts posted by AdamFM95

  1. From my experience be very careful which tablet you purchase make sure you read reviews and forums before purchasing a tablet , my advice and many others is the Samsung Tablet A 2019 does not work 

    The PC version however I have nothing but praise for , runs as a faster more streamlined version of full FM , I have only played the demo which let me play 6 months BUT if I was going to recommend I would recommend the PC Version

  2. 8 hours ago, Flamazing88 said:



    has anyone tried this recently? I want to get this tablet for FM Touch but have been put off by this, does it make it unplayable? 

    It is unplayable I suggest buying another tablet or waiting til FMT 21 and see if that is any better , I wish I read reviews on Google play ( some of which are very bad ) and these forums before purchasing , do not be misled by them falsely saying this device is compatible when it is not 

  3. 13 hours ago, Adam Bell said:

    Hi @AdamFM95

    Sorry for the delay we are aware of these issues and our dev team are looking into it. 

    The screen input issues occur when the program is back-grounded or the device is put into standby. For now we suggest that if for any reason you need to background/ turn your tablet off please save your game and then close it.

    On the game quitting the background how often does this happen? We have the Tab A 2019 and have not had this occur.

    Apologies for any inconvenience that is being caused.


    @Adam Bell

    I have a screen shot in crash reports showing it crashed six times in one day 

    If yous have this tablet and know about these issues yous have no reason but to not have removed it from compatible device lists as yous clearly knew of the issues 

    No this is not good enough , I appreciate your delayed response however even when saved and backed out then reload the app after refresh these issues often occur 

    This is not good enough , I bought a £200 tablet to play FM Touch as it was LISTED on the compatible device lists, I wish I had read these forums before buying. If it is listed on compatible device list it should work , these problems I have noticed people on here have been complaining about since December , therefore yous should of removed device from compatible list and therefore you have misled customers 

    Never have I had an issue with SI before , love the full game and the mobile version but this touch version has been a utter shambles. 

    How do I go about getting a refund? Also will this tablet work for next FMT21 or not? 


  4. 23 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Am chasing this up for you Adam and will update you when I have further info. Thanks. 

    Thank You, if you could let me know as soon as possible , I don't want to have to have a refund as I would love the game to work but if it can't be fixed I would be wanting to request a refund but as I have previously said it looks like many have complained on here and on Google play about this issue since December with no fix 

  5. Just now, Neil Brock said:

    Thanks for letting me know, I'll chase up to find out what's going on with this. 

    Thank you , many on forum have complained about the issue since December , the game shouldn't be listed as compatible if it does not work , I bought as I thought it was compatible , wish I had looked at the reviews on here beforehand though as a lot have had same issues 

    Hopefully I get a response soon or my money back , love the pc game and the mobile one  but disappointed in FM Touch this year 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Would suggest raising any problem on the FM Touch 20 bugs forum or failing that contact Support here - https://support.sega.co.uk/hc/en-gb/requests/new


    Did both over a week ago and still no response , I have a ticket nukber, it's been assigned to someone 8 days ago called Vincent and they did not reply 

    I have posted twice on the bugs forum , 8 days ago , tagged various mods and admins in , still no response 


  7. 9 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Would have been interested to see what version someone had their 'favourite career' and how much that correlates with thoughts on the game.

    Mine would be a toss up between FM05 (amazing Oxford -> Real Madrid save) or perhaps FM13 where I had a great save with Turkish club Genclerbirligi. 

    I've had some really enjoyable saves in pretty much all versions, but those two stand out just because of the affinity I built with those teams in those saves. 

    @Neil Brock   It's funny how admins and moderators can reply to positive feedback but when I have posted negative feedback regarding FM Touch not working I get no response , this is a shame as I've never ever had an issue with FM or SI before and normally love your games and normally have nothing but positivity about the game 

  8. Hi there ,

    New to the forums but played FM for many years but due to not having a laptop right now I invested in a Samsung Tablet A 10.1 2019 which is on the supported devices for FM Touch 2020

    I've downloaded Touch and played it for a bit and noticed it very often crashes 

    A few examples 

    Buttons often don't work , takes multiple attempts to tap a button for the action to work 

    Scrolling through a League table and it becomes very glitchy and crashes unless I scroll right on where the scroll bar is 

    If I try to make tactical changes during a game the game will often freeze making any action on the screen not workable 

    Game often cuts out back to the home screen 

    I was just wondering if my tablet has the right specs and is on the list for tablets that can handle touch why stuff like this is happening? 

    I bought this tablet solely for touch , have no other apps in the background while playing FM Touch and it still often crashes or becomes slow and laggy 

    I have plenty of storage available , was wondering is there anyway I can fix this or at least make it more manageable? 


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