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Sonic Youth

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903 "To infinity and beyond!"

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    One step at a time, two feats. of a kind

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  1. 2 GA is just ridiculous! Like the changes you’ve made to your skins
  2. Weird to find the news blurb containing players not involved at all. Excellent to find that one of your players actually made the list, with a GK assist no less Acosta if he fulfills his potential could become a very interesting player.
  3. That was one heck of a month, no goals conceded and winning every game with what looks comfort. Barcelona and Real Madrid both around with Barca in good form while Real Madrid wobbling. Looking forward to seeing Depor in the Copa del Ray final
  4. Lately I have some working, some not showing the cover picture, some not showing either. I’m using an iphone.
  5. Just finished page 1. You’ve been busy what with two consecutive promotions I like how the best signing in the league was also a defensive midfielder I like your statistical approach too. Will continue reading, just noting a few moments.
  6. An exciting end to the season with 5 to go! The Champions League second leg against Tottenham was a bit tough to watch I bet, with that Spurs equaliser just before fulltime and taking momentum into extra time scoring two more. Are you looking to move on Kean? He seems to contribute reasonably well for the minutes he plays. I guess the question I have about him is are they important goals or when scored are not really at a contributing point of games. When do you find out if the takeover starts?
  7. I think I like this league win so far most of all, because of the planning and discussions inside of it. I’m going to predict that European football next season will be very successful, and that it won’t affect your league form. That youth intake looks excellent, with finally getting through what looks like a top class GK The dive into your GKs was one of the best I’ve seen on talking about GK, as usual it’s only about certain stats, height and that’s it. Back to youth intake, and hope that that ‘a’ ends up dovetailing with your Belgian starlet and becomes a big part of your strike force Did you beat Real Madrid’s goals scored record?
  8. Looking good in the league. Not sure what you’ve changed that you’re form tanks in Europe though. Another Cup win, and progress in another. It’ll be all about the league now by the looks of things. Asante looks a decent signing (cheap) that can be moved on for profit and help with transfer funds out
  9. Congrats on avoiding relegation. If you’d gotten relegated, would you have stayed at Brentford? Looks a good building transfer window. Now you get to see where you’re at this season
  10. That’s a tiny budget for a team sitting and performing so high on the table in La Liga! Champions League football is definitely the best way forward, especially with where Depor are now. Fondevila has had an exciting impact
  11. I like the idea of not selecting more B-team forwards. Seems more flexible. I see you’ve got a bunch to sell too, which makes not much of a blip on your list of forwards
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