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  1. I did it kind of the opposite way <widget class="text" font="title" text="personality" auto_size="vertical"></widget> <set_var name="plabel"> <container> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" /> <widget class="formatted_label" format="[%number#1]" auto_size="all"> <var id="var1" name="pnum" /> </widget> <widget class="personality_label" auto_size="vertical"> <var id="valu" name="pnum" /> </widget> </container> </set_var> <var name="plabel"><set_var name="pnum"><integer value="0"/></set_var></var> <var name="plabel"><set_var name="pnum"><integer value="1"/></set_var></var> ... Just displaying what personality_label shows for all values. Same for media handling styles, but since it's a bitfield, do powers of 2 1,2,4,8,16...
  2. Sure, I've attached the panel. player information personality.xml
  3. IDK what to use this for but it's possible to get a modal popup for clubs at least: out.mp4 Here it's just stretched over that container with the badge and everything. It only works for clubs since it ends up using the budget adjustment popup from finances. I'm not sure if there's anything else for people or anything, or if it's possible to set the object for the widget some other way (I tried object_property in widget_properties and stuff but it didn't work.) <!-- finances summary for budget adjustment popup --> <container class="finances_summary_panel" file="none"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <!-- id necessary, budget adjustment popup --> <widget class="widget_popup_button" id="bact" appearance="none" popup_alignment="right,top"> <string id="widget_type" value="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" /> <record id="widget_properties" width="1500" height="950"> <string id="file" value="club/bf/background popup" /> <!-- <list id="animations"> <record class="slide_in_bottom_animation"/> </list> <real id="delay_modal_close" value="0.3"/> --> </record> <record id="modal_popup_properties"> <!-- <string id="file" value="modal popup panel auto sized" /> --> <!-- <string id="modal_sheet_file" value="modal sheet" /> --> <!-- <string id="modal_sheet_file" value="modal sheet no animation" /> --> <!-- <flags id="stick_to_parent" value="all" /> --> <!-- <flags id="stick_to_parent" value="middle" /> --> <!-- <boolean id="darkened" value="true"/> --> <!-- <boolean id="propagate_mouse_events" value="false"/> --> <boolean id="attempt_to_reposition" value="false" /> <!-- <string id="file" value="club/bf/background popup" /> --> </record> <!-- This must be set after modal properties --> <!-- <boolean id="allow_hover_to_open" value="true"/> --> </widget> </container> and club/bf/background popup.xml is this just to test that it's the club object: <panel> <colour id="background_colour" red="0" green="100" blue="0" alpha="150" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <widget class="picture" scale_picture="false" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x,top"> <record id="object_property" get_property="bgnd" set_property="file" /> </widget> <widget class="club_overview_staff_panel" file="club/bf/staff panel"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </widget> </panel> If you fiddle with it and it ends up covering the whole screen escape key closes it. IDK how to make a close button.
  4. formatted_label can do that like for this panel for personality/media handling style: <widget col="1" class="formatted_label" auto_size="vertical" alignment="centre"> <var id="row" name="row" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="PPst" set_property="var1" /> <list id="format"> <record value="10" format="-" /> <!-- Ambitious --> <record value="4" format="1-14" /> <!-- Balanced --> ... <record value="7" format="1[]" /> <!-- Slack --> <record value="9" format="-" /> <!-- Very Ambitious --> <!-- <record default_value="true" format="[%number#1]" /> --> <record default_value="true" format="--" /> </list> </widget> you can also set each format entry to have a min_value and max_value for a range like value_based_picture, i did that in the assist icon thing i posted earlier so that the label disappears with 0 assists If you just want a single number as the format you have to do something like I did for slack, adding [] which won't be displayed
  5. You could use one of the base skins in the sticky I think and then add it I use a custom skin, with a bunch of stuff lifted and copied from other skins.
  6. The icon shows that he's the captain. <!--captain--> <widget class="picture" file="icons/custom/player stats/captain" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" width="12" height="12" image_alignment="centre" red_replacement="yellow" hidden="true"> <record id="object_property" get_property="PisC" set_property="shown" /> </widget>
  7. I don't think there's any way to separate them out, unfortunately. This is what I use for assists: <container draw_vertical_dividers="true"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_gap="0"/> <!--Goal icon if needed--> <widget class="goal_icon" auto_size="horizontal"> <record id="object_property" get_property="MPgl" /> </widget> <!-- Assist icon --> <container> <!-- hide with 0 assists --> <record id="object_property" get_property="MPas" set_property="shown" /> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_gap="0" /> <widget class="value_based_picture" image_alignment="centre" width="16"> <list id="value_list"> <record min_value="1" max_value="99" file="icons/16px/assist" red_replacement="#af4"/> </list> <record id="object_property" get_property="MPas" /> </widget> <widget class="formatted_label" auto_size="horizontal" colour="white" size="small" alignment="left,centre_y"> <list id="format"> <!-- only display if 2 or more assists --> <record min_value="2" max_value="99" format="[%number#1]" /> </list> <record id="object_property" get_property="MPas" /> </widget> </container> </container>
  8. Try creating a new folder called "bf" in the nation folder and place journalist.xml in there.
  9. I think it's shared with the substitution icon. You end up with either a card icon, a sub icon but not both.
  10. Is the media source profile page good? panels\nation\media source profile panel.xml and panels\nation\bf\journalist.xml media source profile panel.xml journalist.xml
  11. Yeah, in the panels/human directory.
  12. I attached the news item list widget that I use. It uses the same way to get the person object as the inbox item does. Find a widget that uses an object that isn't set through the xml but comes from the game code and hijack it. This one uses a property_list_viewer_xml_panel and then a client_object_viewer_xml_panel, as just the latter doesn't work for some reason. Maybe other properties like the colour that gets forwarded to the new sender text label after or something messes with it, IDK. Goes in panels/widgets news item list widget.xml
  13. Beat me to it with the scrolling thing, but something like this should work <container class="scrolling_box" fit_content_horizontal="true" fit_content_vertical="false"> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize_all" vertical_gap="0" /> <container class="simple_data_list" set_property="objt" auto_size="vertical"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Cfap" /> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_all" /> <record id="widget_properties" class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" file="club/bf/legend" badge_size="60" show_id="true" /> </container> </container> </container> But I also realized, after learning from the hidden UID thread, that you can use names and dates of birth to set people's portraits and that you can do this for legends and ignore the changing IDs This is two different saves using a single config entry for cruyff even though he has two different IDs <record from="Johan Cruijff" to="graphics/pictures/person/Johan Cruijff 1-1-1900/portrait"/> since the DOB for all people not in the DB is 1-1-1900 you only have to worry about characters that may be hard to type like in Kubala's name, and that if there are name collisions you'll just have to choose one
  14. Try <record from="2002073428" to="graphics/pictures/person/r-2002073428/portrait"/>
  15. I've done this for clubs, it will probably work for countries too. <!--legends--> <container> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_gap="6" /> <widget class="label" alignment="centre_x,bottom" spec="text" font="title" colour="accent" auto_size="vertical"> <record id="object_property" get_property="TLeg" name="true" /> </widget> <container class="simple_data_list" set_property="objt" auto_size="vertical"> <record id="object_property" get_property="TLeg" /> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,extend" gap="6"/> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" wrap="true" alignment="middle" gap="6"/> <record id="widget_properties" class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" file="club/bf/legend" badge_size="60" show_id="true" /> </container> </container> Replace TLeg with Csvp for icons and Cfap for favoured Set show_id="false" to hide the ids. The ids for people not in the db changes from save to save, and I'm not sure if they need the r- prefix for regens if you want to add images in FM24. And the contents of club/bf/legend.xml <panel> <list id="properties_to_forward"> <record get_property="badge_size" set_property="width" target="badg" /> <record get_property="badge_size" set_property="height" target="badg" /> <record get_property="show_id" set_property="shown" target="idbx" /> </list> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize_all_centre" vertical_gap="0" vertical_offset="0" /> <container class="main_subtle_box"> <!-- <container> --> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize_all_centre" vertical_gap="0" vertical_offset="0" /> <!-- Human name --> <widget class="formatted_label" format="[%person#1]" auto_size="all" style="bold" colour="fg accent"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record get_property="objt" set_property="var1" /> <record get_property="PiCh" set_property="Shwn" /> </list> </record> </widget> <!-- Other name --> <widget class="formatted_label" format="[%person#1]" auto_size="all"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record get_property="objt" set_property="var1" /> <record get_property="PiCh" set_property="hidn" /> </list> </record> </widget> <!-- id --> <widget id="idbx" class="edit_box" appearance="" colour="faded text" alignment="centre" navigation_focus_target="false" select_on_focus="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="id" /> </widget> <!-- description --> <!-- <widget class="label" auto_size="all" colour="faded text"> <record id="object_property" get_property="subS" /> </widget> --> <!-- type --> <!-- <widget class="client_object_type_label" auto_size="all" colour="faded text"> <record id="object_property" get_property="obtd" /> </widget> --> <!-- Picture --> <widget id="badg" class="object_portrait_picture" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="centre" keep_aspect_ratio="true"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </widget> </container> </panel>
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