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Gazza D

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Gazza D last won the day on March 14 2023

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2,096 "Show me the money!"

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  1. Congratulations, you win most pointless thread.
  2. Huge respect to the Iran players refusing to play in the first half as a protest against their government.
  3. Yeah, I am trying this but talking to HR is like speaking to a brick wall. Doesn't help the MD who's decision this would have been hasn't been in all day today. They say we can't work from the office as it is closed and we can't work from home as they can't monitor who is working
  4. They have replied. "The annual leave entitlement is 25 days excluding Bank Holidays, contractually we have not stipulated the number of bank holidays or whether they are paid or not." Then some screenshot saying there's no legal entitlement to bank holidays off. "You don't actually have to grant employees bank holidays or public holidays as paid leave. There's no legal precedent that says these must be paid. As an employer, it is entirely up to you whether you choose to offer bank holidays as paid leave. Whatever you do choose, your employees' entitlement to paid leave should always be outlined in the employment contract."
  5. I read it as public holidays are exclusive of my leave so they can do what they like. I have just emailed them asking if having people go unpaid is really for the best with the current cost of living crisis, and would ot not infact be better to allow people to work that day if they prefer, whether that be at home or in the office.
  6. They've sent us this link https://www.gov.uk/holiday-entitlement-rights and quoted this in their email. If any of you can point me in the right direction about which laws they are breaking I will get straight back to them. I have checked my contract which states.
  7. Well one of the people I manage has asked to come in as normal, they said that's no an option and also rejected his request to work from home.
  8. At work, they have decided to shut the office on 19th September so that we can pay respect to Her Majesty. They have given everyone the option of using annual leave or going unpaid
  9. Didn't realise they did a seniors discount, maybe that's what sent Lizzie over the edge
  10. Hoping all sport is cancelled this weekend. I will not be able to mourn Liz properly if I have any distractions.
  11. Showing off you'll be able to have your TV turned on.
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