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Abdullah Patel

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Abdullah Patel

  1. Please can we get a save game from when all players were still registered, and do you know when this happened?
  2. This is one we are aware of and are looking into. Thanks for flagging!
  3. Please could we get a save game with this issue occurring?
  4. Hey there, please take a look at our FAQ on the 5 subs rule: Why can't I make all of my substitutions in a match on Football Manager? – Knowledge Base (sega.com)
  5. Unfortunately given the time between the launch of the beta and the full release, some issues raised via our Tracker weren't able to be addressed. We have to ensure any changes don't have any knock-ons, so they require testing by our team. This issue is still being reviewed and will be considered for future updates. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
  6. Thanks for flagging this, we are investigating this further.
  7. Thanks for flagging this, we are looking into this further.
  8. This should reflect 5 subs from 7 if a new game is now started. Unfortunately, it may not be the case for old saves. We're sorry that this is affecting your gameplay.
  9. I'm afraid we can't give a timeframe for this fix. We're sorry about the impact this has on your gameplay and hope you can enjoy other areas of the game while we work to get this addressed.
  10. Unfortunately, we can't currently provide a timeframe for this. Thanks for your patience with it though!
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