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  1. Sorry, I haven't been around for some time. Due to work, there isn't that much time for FM-topics anymore. Thank you for sharing this. I tried and unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the screen freezing you mentioned. But it may due to some of the panels I added to the offer screen. So maybe try to delete the transfer offer panel.xml in the panels/player-folder and reload the skin. You could try to replace the graphical representation of the current and potential ability. Maybe using a value_based picture could be the way to go, but it would require a lot of trial an error. I'll assume this is an issue due to your screen resolution. I built the skin within a minimum resolution of 1920x1080. Loading it on my laptop-screen just shows the empty page you posted.
  2. The numeric attributes in the staff popup panel needed a different approach to be replaced, therefore we'll have to adjust the values in the custom skin-colour section. I added this step into the instruction. Thank you I tried and it worked for me. Have you tried the Google Drive-Link or the .zip-file?
  3. First of all, your screenshot show two different staff members. Therefore I am not that sure what you are looking for. In addition, I am not able to reproduce your issue. In my save the popup panel and the profile show the same star colour:
  4. Does somebody know where I can find the class "Attribute_label" xml-file? I've already extracted the classes-folder but I was not able to locate it.
  5. And ... where do I find the resources.fmf? I've been looking in Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/FM24/data
  6. This does not seem to be the correct panel since there's not selector for Stats and Graph: I'm looking for the connection between the top section and the bottom with the more detailed stats. The section meta data.xml is directing me to this panel: <record id="PHst" section="PHst" help_page="player#history"> <translation id="text" translation_id="247605" type="use" value="Career Stats" /> <record id="widget_info"> <symbol id="class" value="player_history_stats_panel" /> </record> </record>
  7. Hello, does anybody have an idea where I can find the default player_history_stats_panel and the player_stats_panel? I can't find them in the extracted panels/player-folder and I'm looking for this screen in History/Career Stats:
  8. I am happy to pass this compliment on to @GIMN, the creator of the pizza charts, who has allowed me to incorporate them into my skin. The rearranged the panels using a skin resolution of 2560 x 1440 (Full Screen Window Mode, Standard Size 100%). It will work in 1920 x 1080 as well while automatically removing the outer panels, but I tried to show almost all information from these outer panels in the tab-section as well. The green section is 2560 x 1440 and the red section is 1920 x 1080:
  9. I guess it was my mistake. In last years version it was possible to adjust the thresholds in the custom skin colour-section. This year, I changed the approach of replacing numeric attribute values a bit and I thought the process of changing the thresholds did not change. In addition, as it was mentioned above, the displayed colour of the stars for un-scouted players changed as well to the upper end of the range and I'll need to think about whether I like it or not.
  10. You'll need to adjust the thresholds in StarAttributes24/classes/attributes_star.xml <class class="attribute_star" parent="position_role_duty_star_range_based_picture"> <list id="value_list"> <record min_value="1" max_value="5" file="starttrbts/attributes/star_low" /> <record min_value="6" max_value="10" file="starttrbts/attributes/star_average" /> <record min_value="11" max_value="15" file="starttrbts/attributes/star_good" /> <record min_value="16" max_value="20" file="starttrbts/attributes/star_excellent" /> </list> </class>
  11. It should be fixed. Just re-download the skin and notable events are on the left side of the touchline tablet. I'll updated the skin to display the information on notable events again. Concerning unscouted players, unlike the numeric skins the star colour in the non-numeric-attributes version reflects the upper end of the range. But I'll need to have a look and think about it again.
  12. *updated December 18th* Changelog: changed the match in between highlights panel to the touchline tablet added notable events and the small match stat overview again recoloured the match score area panel
  13. The selector panel looks like it should look. I wanted to keep it close to the default skin. What is the information you are missing? I am going with the match stats on top and the match momentum on the bottom. There you'll see potential goalscorers as well.
  14. In the player overview panel.xml (row 2) you will find the panels vertical arranged from top to bottom with the last row extending the available space: <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="top,extend" vertical_gap="4" /> In order to create the layout you are looking for, you might need to resize the purple container to extend the space and include the yellow one on the left and right within (Example for the left and right part): <container> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="38,-1" gap="4" offset="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <!-- Top Row: Playing Time Pathway --> <container> </container> <!-- Bottom Row: Career Milestones --> <container> </container> </container> I added the file missing to make the fitness panel visible. In order to make the lowest group kind of transparent you could try the background_colour "bg" in the settings file? Concerning the issue, I am not able to reproduce it. With my resolutions (2560 x 1440 and 1920x1080), there is no such problem. What screen resolution are you using?
  15. *updated December 10th* Changelog: added Pizza Chart for goalkeepers as well implemented information on the level of knowledge to the scouting report section of the player profile header fixed access to player instructions on the tactics panel fixed left part of the in-game match tablet
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