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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Yeah, totally understand that. I didn't think it was going to be the issue it was when I first noticed it looked off. Should've taken a backup earlier! Thanks for looking into it.
  2. I was underperforming with Man U and the board set a points target for me to hit or I would be sacked. They set a target of 7 points in 5 matches for me after we lost to Burnley. For some reason, the points target is including the Burnley game in the graphic screenshotted below, but not in calculations for the target. I had one league game after the Norwich match, which we won, as screenshotted below. At the end of the season, there was no resolution for this points target. Fast forward to the next season, and our opening game is at the defending champions, Arsenal. I lose the match on a heartbreaking 92nd minute winner, 1-0, and I am immediately sacked. Why is it not counting the Sheffield United match in my points target?
  3. Ahh, yeah, I ran into an issue when I tested in the Editor. 2024 group stage got messed up it looks like.
  4. Been looking for this for ages, finally found this thread. Thank you!
  5. Yeah I'm pretty sure that by the time this was posted, they would have been focusing on the next dev cycle (for FM25), especially with the number and scale of changes they want to make to that game. Sucks to see. Might have to go back to 24 now tbh.
  6. Can't tell if you're joking or not . I don't think this is happening by design. Never seen it in a past version of the game, even earlier versions of FM24. I also just signed a player on an end of contract offer in a different save, and he only has a "Opt" (will explore options at end of contract) icon on his profile. Yet in my Transfers screen, it says he will be joining my club in a few months
  7. Not sure how or when this happened, but one of my players is apparently leaving at the end of the season. Usually this would mean there is a dark green "Trn" icon beside his name, but there is no such icon on his profile. I also did not receive any notice that he had received a contract offer from another club, as I would have tried to re-sign him had I seen that message. The only thing that tipped me off to the fact that he was leaving was a sentence tacked on to the end of an email about him becoming a Spanish citizen. And now when I navigate to the contract menu on his page, I cannot offer him a contract, as the "Contract Offer" option leads to a screen that says he has accepted an offer from Las Palmas. I believe this is a really bad bug and should be looked into. Save game uploaded and screenshots below.
  8. I should add: I am experiencing this issue both in matches and outside of matches.
  9. I have a player on my team that is not showing up in my set piece role lists, and I cannot figure out why. He is in the first team squad and signed to a professional full-time contract (these were two of the first things that came to mind to double check). I have uploaded a save file and screenshots of the player and my set piece role lists below.
  10. I've been burned by this a few times, and it's becoming increasingly frustrating because I have no idea how to defend against it. Basically what's happening is I am often winning the first ball off of my opponent's long throw, but because there is no one (from either team) near the sideline, the player who took the throw in is completely alone and gathers the second ball verry easily. They then have far too much room to pick out a cross or dribble into the box and take a shot. I have given up a handful of goals this way and it is very annoying. As far as I can tell, there are no assignments in the Set Piece tactics menu that would help me here. Does anyone have a good solution for how to prevent these second ball chances from long throws?
  11. Ahh, I see, makes sense. Thanks for all your work on this database, it's great!
  12. Not sure if it's because I (mistakenly) only loaded down to 3. division, but there seems to be 4 relegation spots in each group in that tier, instead of 3.
  13. Is that only if you have no one assigned as a left-footed taker, or does it also do that if you assigned a right footer to take all corners by default?
  14. I am wondering the same thing--I want the same player taking corners from each side, so I have the "Set X as default corner taker from both sides" box ticked in my corner taker selection window. Have you seen how it plays out in matches? I thought it might just force them to outswing from their strong side and inswing from the other side, but I haven't tested this in a match yet. It would be weird if they forced the player to use their weaker foot because both sides are forced to be set to the same inswing/outswing setting, but who knows. You really should be able to set inswing/outswing for each side, though, as this is confusing as is.
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