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Posts posted by louisdecline1998

  1. Bonjour à tous,

    Lors du mercato hivernale, la demande de validation de l'équipe est intervenu avant la fin du mercato. Je ne peux donc pas enregistrer les joueurs que j'ai acheté à la fin du mercato.

    Partie: Ligue 1, Strasbourg, février 2025


    Fin enregistrement équipe: 2 février

    Arrivée du joueur: 3 février

    Fin mercato: 3 février


    Merci d'avance pour votre aide bonne journée.

    Nom fichier ownCloud=  louisdecline - Bug enregistrement effectif avant fin mercato.fm



    Capture d’écran 2020-12-24 à 16.01.20.png

  2. 1 hour ago, holtb80 said:

    Part of the problem with what you guys are doing. You cannot just unregister players and expect their wages to go away... you're still on the hook to pay them whether or not they are registered. Some contracts are guaranteed. @Daniel EvensenHave you click on non DP players and went into the contract screen and applied the general allocation money available to pay down wage cap hit? This could be a solution to your save.

    At the beginning of the season I register my team with good salary cap (under 370 000). During the season a player injury, I just put him in the hurt list and when he come back I can't re-register him because salary cap increase (457 000). Why? 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Daniel Evensen said:

    @holtb80 Yes, actually - I previously allocated all of my general allocation money to allow us to play the one game this season that we were able to play.  Remember that the GA funds are only $50k - that would hardly make a dent in the problem I showed above.

    My point is that the game should tell you, at some point, what the rules are.  As things stood, DC United would have been over the salary cap at the beginning of the season without any action on my part.  I signed a few players, but their salaries were nowhere near the $2,000,000 p/a that the screenshot above would have you believe.  That would have been pretty remarkable had I accomplished that on the $125,000 transfer budget I was allocated!

    I frankly believe that the problem has more to do with the insane rules surrounding the MLS than anything on SI's part.  This article from the Florida State Law Review only served to further entrench my belief: https://ir.law.fsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2576&context=lr

    When I took Miami at the beginning of the season, without action on my part, the salary cap was already over.

  4. Hello I have a problem for save my team for MLS competition (Miami).

    At the begining I can save my team for MLS competition. After 3 matchs a player hurt itself (Powell), I put him in the hurt list but when he come back I can't save the team because players salary is too hight but I do nothing I don't buy or lend new player, i don't touch at any contract and I don't add a new player at the list.1908441060_Capturedecran2020-11-15a16_17_27.thumb.png.0be8a6dbe75310381c2dfd0f48f6a82a.png527708255_Capturedecran2020-11-15a16_20_32.thumb.png.8e706565fa2d87254e51ae510cbb6e52.png.


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