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Everything posted by tropicsafc

  1. It bugs me that there's an inbox item for managerial appointments within the league you're managing but nothing for sackings. There's not even a mention of who the previous manager was in that inbox item.
  2. Worrying really from a PC perspective. Will probably force me over to console. Those saying WIP etc have valid arguments but surely they'd want to post out something pretty damn solid. They're clearly happy with how it looks in these screenshots.
  3. Well if you just go back to page 1 and copy what you see into a blank tactic then voila.
  4. Just keyed in the original tactic on 24 and having a stellar season.
  5. When one is presented with the 'choose a captain' screen at the start of each season the default option should not be to change either selection. It would be quite easy to click through this screen and take the assistants advice to change them and risk upsetting the entire club. It's farcial that the default option on this screen is to use the assistants advice actually.
  6. It's a real bugbear of mine this. Not sure why. Every edition the first thing I do is head to the youth section and see if these sort of things have been fixed or at least improved on. It's rarely changed. The only success I've had using this system is to plan ahead and use the editor to swap out a team in the 3. Liga for the B team of the club I plan to use. It's actually incredibly fun like this. Just make sure they don't get relegated. For context, in my current Greuther Furth save I am 14 seasons in and my B Team are still not in a playable league despite seemingly having good seasons 'under the hood'. Improvements in this area are absolutely top of my wishlist for 25.
  7. I leave it entirely to my assistant who never fails to infuriate me with claims that we're open to offers to our best players. Fortunately it seems to have zero effect on anything other than my own personal temperament so I let it be. As we all know by now, interactions are absolutely shockingly bad in all of their forms within the game. Do away with it.
  8. FM has never been unplayable for me but what a major let down the last 2 editions have been.
  9. Inbox items for weeks on end about a player inching his way closer to the club's assist record. "So and so" is only 5 more away. 4 more away. 3. And what happens when he breaks it? Nothing. Not a single inbox item about this thing that the game has been building up towards for weeks on end.
  10. Towards the end of June. When the 'Leaderboards' page comes up when continuing.
  11. This has been bugging me on my current save with Greuther Furth. I'd really love to manage the clubs finances in a better way but it feels impossible. I try to spend wisely or use the youth system so rarely use my transfer of wage budget. I was thinking the other day that i'd love to have an option to, essentially, give that back to the club. Low and behold, a message arrives that says the club are doing exactly that. They take the lot. £25m in transfer budget and the remainder of the £150kpw wage budget. The finances were £10m in the red at this point. They're now £25m in the red. I'm not a mathematician or an accountant but that's not exactly what I had in mind.
  12. Had another instance of staff responsibilities having a mind of their own. Randomly had my B Team manager in charge of friendlies which wasn't ideal to begin pre season.
  13. Loads of people moaning about the match engine since the last update. It was untouched wasn't it?
  14. My youth managers are scheduling plenty of friendlies. Granted they are not always at useful times for me to take advantage of but they're definitely being scheduled.
  15. Is this actually the position of SI towards AI squad building? Which has supposedly had a major improvement since the last edition? Like the OP, I'm seeing these issues constantly across multiple saves. I'm obviously not sure how the AI decides which positions it needs to strengthen but it seems off. If I'm battling a larger club for a player in the transfer market, I now back off and pick them up for cheaper a year later when they inevitably kick up a fuss for making four substitute appearances in a season. I wouldn't dream of telling anyone how to do their job but it's really troubling that it appears SI see no problem with this area of the game.
  16. This aspect of the game is so shallow and has been like it for years. The first thing I do when a new edition is out is browse around the B team section. Every year is a major disappointment to me to see it untouched.
  17. I find it impossible to continue a save after getting sacked/bored. I will never resign and continue in the same game world. Not sure why.
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