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Everything posted by ajw10

  1. yep, that's why he put it after talking about pronouns and gender.
  2. what is this He literally called it "woke ****". The entire post is him crying about women's football. If you cannot show basic reading comprehension then there really is little point of this. Enjoy continuing supporting misogynistic behaviours.
  3. sounds like you have something against women's football being accessible on a video game.
  4. bit worried if you think this is angry and not the people that have threatened to boycott the game because of it.
  5. no, there are a few posting about it that clearly have an issue with women being in this game, which leads me to believe that they have an issue with women.
  6. yeah this, either they just don't care or they underestimated how regressive a portion of this community is
  7. Might as well make a thread for the Swedish league, or the Scottish 2nd Division. I get it's the big new feature, but this feels like another thread for loads of angry weird men to be furious that women are entering THEIR GAME
  8. pretty obvious isn't it? I mentioned before that the timing of the announcement and how they delivered it re-opened the door for those the moan about women's football being added. The weight part in particular was so careless.
  9. A worrying amount of people in this thread really do not like women. Which brings me back to my point earlier about SI's communication. Just felt like they've opened the door for more bashing of women.
  10. A petition I almost want SI to now say that international football is never returning
  11. he's clearly saying that FM26 needs to be special after FM24 was a glorified FM23 update and FM25 seems like it's going to have issues (and has lost multiple features) ah international football needs to be special.
  12. Honestly, Si's PR is absolutely dreadful. Anyone with half a brain would know that announcing the weight thing in the way they did would cause more people to hate on women's football.
  13. Can we mute the word "woke" in this thread? It's a misused word by people who don't actually knows what it means
  14. yes, which is a huge issue. But what will entice new people to this game?
  15. but surely sales drop? Why should anyone buy this game?
  16. the price is going to be interesting. How can they justify charging full price for this?
  17. The only reason I was going to buy this game was due to women's football but now that seems pointless due to the removal of managing internationals.
  18. ah so we are getting the game late with fewer features? Feels like we are being ripped off
  19. I clearly mean moving forward as there's discussion on here that we are light at LB
  20. Spain have just won the Euro's with a functional left back. Why can't England do the same with someone like Mitchell?
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