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68 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Yes, I usually turn on the shots/90minutes stat and strikers seems to shoot far less often this year, but score almost the same amount (maybe slightly less.) Overall goal numbers seems to be slightly lower than before though, just because everyone is taking less shots
  2. Yeah this is definitely true. If you look at AI managing Bayern for example, Alphonso Davies is usually used as an IFB, which is hilarious
  3. FM22 and 23 were way worse in this regard. Almost all matches in FM22 would end up with 20+ combined corners and sometimes 30+. FM23 and FM24 are actually quite a bit better in this regard because wingers don't just always dribble to the byline for a cutback and then get it blocked out into the corner (which is what happens ALOT in FM22)
  4. Example of a Mbappe dribbling goal that you would rarely see in FM23 or FM22 https://streamable.com/f213am
  5. When it comes to match engine I noticed there's a lot more dribbling and different kinds of dribbling such as feints which didn't exist before. So that looks really good
  6. I'm not jumping to any conclusions because I haven't looked at the match engine much yet, but just saying the stats look like it does in FM22, and doesn't look like the stats from FM23 when it comes to pass completion %. And yes it was from simming whole season in holiday on full detail
  7. Ridiculously high pass completion % from FM22 is back. Even in League 2 they have 90%+ pass completion % if you simulate on full detail
  8. Probably retired from some career ending injury
  9. Pleasant surprise from SI! Didn't expect them to get a hotfix out for this so quick
  10. That's unfortunate, and yes usually there's not very much a big change between beta and release
  11. Do you mean it's harder to make plug and play tactics that win everything now? If that's the case, it's a good thing
  12. One thing I noticed that's really good is that inside forwards play far higher up than in FM22. In FM22 the inside forwards would always have a position much deeper than the striker but in this engine their average positions sometimes can be higher than even striker
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