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126 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. Just need to stop leaking in goals from set pieces haha. Looks really good, does the team play the way you want?
  2. So this is what I am thinking: 2026 Sweden 2030 Uruguay 2034 Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya 2038 Japan 2042 Mexico What competitions would I need to edit for each year? And when you say "so any other year it will end up with 1 too many nations qualifying so they will just be missing from the tournament." do you mean just from the same confederation that the host is from or would it be from a random confederation?
  3. The 64 team WC is dropped, CBA to do it Since you are an expert at this by now, can you set a hosting bid to only happen with certain countries if they put the bid in together? I see that Bulgaria and Romania is an option to host the World Cup, but I would like them to only host if they host it together. Is there an option for that(or workaround)? Also, I will just set up the WC for the forseable future anyways so won't even matter but just wondering. And since I am gonna do that, should I avoid double hosts(or triple if it is possible) or should it be a ok for any confederation
  4. Go to 'Database Changes', click the edit you want to reverse, remove it and click reload
  5. even though the names doesn't show up the partnerships form. atleast they did when I tried it
  6. Can you show some in-game screenshots of how your players are positioned when playing from the back, when one of the IW has the ball, when the DLF has the ball etc
  7. Use https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/26-editors-hideaway/ , this doesn't seem like a bug and more of an user error(sorry for being blunt lol). But there is a lot of people that has done and still do the same thing you are trying to do so if you go there and ask you should get help
  8. I think this is just how the game is programmed. For example, Arteta in the PGE has 30.6.2023 as contract expiry date but since some start dates are just before that, he could leave arsenal early on the playthrough which would ruin it for some people. And this is the case for 46k+ people in the database(expiry date between 1.1.2023 and 30.6.2023 But I just checked with Sweden and England loaded with start date set as 27.3.2023 and Arteta has expirey date set as 30.6.2023. So if you go further back it should work OR if you move his contract expiry date further ahead(about 3 months, but didn't test more so it could be less) with maybe a ban on the player so he doesn't play any games. I obviously don't know what you want to do with the player, but this is the only help I provide.
  9. So you can edit their attributes, European Category etc etc
  10. Right now it is impossible to see if a referee is an ref or an assistant ref. Something like this would be good: Competition as Referee > Is/Is not/Contains > [Search Field]. The same for Assistant Referee.
  11. I am been wondering this for some time now Here they are PS. the attributes are like that because I am trying to find out Also: CA and PA, does it even matter? Fabio Maresca has WAYYYYYYY better attributes than José María Sánchez Martínez that is shared the 2nd best ref in the game. But the person that he shares it with, Daniel Orsato also have way better attributes than him
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