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  1. It is the tactic screen, not the tablet. I am trying to add a players attribute to the red part of the screenshot. If I add Tactic Overview Side Panel, the analysis button in the top right of this screen breaks.
  2. How can I add attributes onto the in match tactic screen? I thought it was through the Tactic Overview Side Panel, but this will break the Analysis button in top right.
  3. Hiya. How can I add additional stats into the stats box on the player overview? I have added mins/game to the table, but not sure on the format to have it display.
  4. Pretty sure it is this - team upcoming fixture info manager home
  5. Is there any way that I can add the competition logo to this panel? Can't work out the code.
  6. Is there a way to have staff attributes permanent as on the human profile panel rather than have them appear and disappear depending on which button you click? And then also have the Roles widget still highlight attributes per role? Can get the roles and coaching/mental together but no highlights and no scouting/knowledge/medical/analyzing. Hopefully I have explained that right. Thank you!
  7. Hi. What line do these represent? Would like to change text to white but am not sure which line to change. The Reserving Judgement and the dialogue text. Thank you
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