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Posts posted by Orion_

  1. At the beginning I just want to say that I thought about putting this in database bugs sub but it's in custom database and it's such a minor thing that I decided to make a thread here.

    I recently out of curiosity bought in game editor mostly because genie scout was not up to date and I couldn't check some information about my club that I like to keep an eye on (like reputation).

    I've noticed that there is possibly a wrong information in stadium 'Expansion capacity'. I assume as in description that it's new capacity that can be reached in current stadium but someone probably made a mistake with database and set it as 'additional' seats that can be added. So it's like only 'added' seats number and not 'current + added' as it suppose to be.

    Should I change that with editor to be correct value or it doesn't matter at all since it's council owned stadium and I won't be even able to get it expanded in any way?

  2. It looks like your u-18 manager is arranging friendlies. They don't usually think about against whom they should play. They arrange randomly anyone who is available so it's possible that they've been playing against some random lower-league youth sides.

    And even if they are playing in 'regular' youth league they are easy to dominate with player's tactics and when you get decent youngsters. In general player will bring much more and much better youngsters than any AI controlled team.

  3. If you're curious there are other 'off the field incidents'. My promising youngster with Model Citizen personality due to off the field incident lost his ambition (that's what stated the in game message) and his personality dropped to a Light-Hearted. I don't think there was drop in his determination but still it was almost hart breaking for me watching my future to-be-captain getting that massive blow for his personality at age like 20 or something.

  4. 5 hours ago, santy001 said:

    It is luck of the draw, I left a player on not too long ago hoping to get to half time. The next tackle in on him finished him off for 3 months. 

    To be honest it could've ended the same way if you changed him straight away. I think it's possible for player to have 'orange' injury indicator during the game that after the match results in few weeks/months injury.

  5. What do you mean by 'youth level'? There are 4 things you can upgrade via board. Training Facilities, Youth Facilities, Youth Recruitment and Junior Coaching Level.

    Also facilities can lose their rating over time since the technology improvements your then shiny state of art facilities might be not the same after 20 years.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Hallothere said:

    Playable @Orion_

    Then I have no idea. Maybe the packages are the key. When you set the league as playable it should generate 16 newgens for every single playable club.

    You can make a quick test. Try looking manually at teams from this country to see if they got 'normal' players (not the grey one). The game cannot 'hide' players from you. It can only hide their attributes or not show them in scouting centre but they cannot be 'invisible' for you with manual search.

    If they are present then it's probably something related to your scouting capabilities. My bet is on packages since in my opinion they provide much more players than scouting knowledge.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Hallothere said:

    I can se where you come from. But i have dowloaded a costum database and loaded the league of Zambia, and tick the box "give playable teams players at the start of the ame", so the teams in zambia should have a not of players, at least generated players from the start of the game :)

    I now it might be dumb question but did you set the league as playable or just view only?

  8. Hi @knap

    I wanted to make my own tactic somehow inspired by some of yours. I'm not that tactical mastermind so I didn't reach 100+ points in test but I got tactic that let me get around 95 points with Liverpool which seems to be enough in most cases to win the league so I assume it's somehow working. I wanted to make tactic that is very solid defensively, that will be good for my teams as a underdog in Europa games but also let me keep domination in league where I'm team with highest reputation so I'm playing as dominant side.

    Can you take a look at it and maybe you'll find some small tweaks to improve it? I tried some variations with 2 Wide Midfielders instead of Wide Midfielder and Defensive Winger but they didn't delivered. Also I'm not sure what role for a striker would be best for this tactic. I wanted to play with it with my smaller club so using Complete Forward might be little bit problematic.

    I was wondering about something looking at your recent tactics.

    Why it's not a thing any more to go for more asymmetrical tactics, not in terms of players positions but I think it was a thing in FM18-20 to force more offensive movement on one side of the pitch in compare to the other side?

    Also in terms of my tactic it surprised me that if benefited a lot from playing Shaqiri as RM Wide Midfielder since I assume he behaves there more like Inverted Winger. He was the highest rated player in a lot of iterations of this tactic followed by a lot of assists.

    Cheers and have a nice day!


    4-4-1-1 v1.0.fmf

  9. 2 hours ago, Hallothere said:

    so if i have 100% of a country u should be able to a lot of information about, lets say establish national team players right?


    with 100% knowledge about Zambia, i am only getting this much information about a regular international player, is that right, or should it be more ?

    It might be right. As said in my understanding nation knowledge let's you know that particular player exists (otherwise you can't even find him through scouting centre). I think it should also affect your knowledge about specific player. Yet it seems reasonable that your scout might give you knowledge about 'existence' of players but not details about every single one of them.

    I think if you'd had more scouts with knowledge about this specific country it may help having more detailed information about higher number of players.

  10. In addition to previous user comment you improve all your facilities and youth things by making board requests.

    You can find training/youth facilities in 'Facilities' section.

    Youth recruitment is under 'Networking'.

    And junior coaching level is not related to your actual coaches level but it's under 'Finances'.

    It's worth mentioning that upgrading facilities will require money directly. It will be planned by the board usually after the season and consume certain amount of cash immediately when construction begins.

    While 2 other categories will not require direct payment but will increase your annual costs for it. The same goes with facilities. Once they are build they also need more money for their maintenance.

    Answering other part of your question. No. All teams in general can have state of art facilities. It's all about money and board willingness to improving it. It's worth mentioning that every aspect you can upgrade only by 1 per request and there are 10 'qualities' of every thing mentioned (so upgrading it increases it's quality by 2 if you check in editor). Don't know why there are odd numbers but in the end as said you can only have 1 upgrade per request so if you got the money you should ask for upgrade every time you can. Yet you'll probably need few season to upgrade it all to the level you're satisfied with or board will not accept another improvement due to cost.

    You'll probably won't have much problem with upgrading coaching finances and networking since they don't cost that much annually. Higher facilities thou can cost few million pounds per upgrade so you need some cash in the bank before asking.


  11. On 28/02/2021 at 12:30, misterculps said:

    received a news article

    If this was 'news paper article' brought to you by your press officer you can treat is as reliable as real life newspapers.

    It's the same like in-game press writing about your alleged interest in player you never ever heard of before.


    From my experience, but with smaller clubs, when owners are changing the new ones usually make cash injection to the club at arrival. The size of it varies in a mysterious way so I wouldn't take anything for granted. I'd just do my job with resources I have without any expectations in terms of finance.

  12. 21 minutes ago, enigmatic said:








    (unfortunately great as those sort of calculators are, they aren't always accurate. tbf the absolute basket case would be "Temperamental" if he was a newgen unless you raised his Temperament to 7)

    Thanks for that great example. I see what you mean.

    Yet still we come back to the point that personality should give you only a hint of what hidden attributes of a player can be. They can be as you showed on the screens. But if you have someone with Perfectionist Personality you have higher certainty what are his attributes you're looking for than when he's Determined/Fairly Determined. It's all about reducing the known. Even after this you are still not guaranteed how the player will develop just as in real life.

  13. 29 minutes ago, enigmatic said:

    Hence my point that a "Determined" attribute which tells you the one you can see is good (as you can already see) and the two you can't are nothing special and might actually be low is not very helpful.

    I think you're missing very important factor.


    Determined personality have also quite high Ambition. I'm not sure about the numbers but it was 10+ in previous editions.

    And all 'Fairly ...' personalities have professionalism and determination below 14 (except Fairly Professional and Fairly Determined of course but they go vice versa, so Fairly Determined has 14+ Determination and 1-13 Professionalism and Fairly Professional has 14+ Professionalism and 1-13 Determination).

    As said numbers are little bit off (like said now 14 determination for Model Citizen) but this shows how much you can get from different personalities. Also you can check some with this. It also has little bit off for the number but you can have general view on what to expect from player with certain Determination/Personality/Media Handling combination.


  14. 1 hour ago, XaW said:

    @AurioDK - The last update seems to have implemented a bug for CCCs, in that any header from a corner is a CCC. I hope it will be fixed for the next update, but for the mean time, take the CCC with a grain of salt.

    But if we assume that CCC is broken the way you've described it shouldn't it result in all teams having much more CCC not just player team? I mean all teams have corners and probably most of these when result with shot on target it's by header.

  15. 10 hours ago, enigmatic said:

    Sure, if you get Model Citizen. But half the time you're not getting very much revealed at all (ie. The Determined description, which sounds great but basically says an attribute you can already see is good, and others probably aren't)

    Yes but for player development you need just good sum of those 3 attributes. You don't necessarily need all 3 (of course the more the better). So when you have player that have known determination + professional/ambitious personality you know he have at least 2 of them in high values. When it comes to consistency it's not related to any personality and important matches you get just by scouting. To be honest you don't need player to have 20 in important matches (as again of course the more the better). You just want him not to have very poor in this attribute but it is visible in scout report when you get personality checked so you have to do it anyway (if you're playing with attribute masking).

  16. 1 hour ago, enigmatic said:

    The importance of personality labels is greatly overrated for the reasons you mention. You can be a Model Professional and be weak under pressure, disloyal and not determined or ambitious enough to develop particularly quickly. You can be "Unsporting" and be pretty good at everything else

    Determined is a particularly useless label since all it tells you is an attribute you can already see is good, plus not perfect professionalism etc..

    The point is that you try to reduce unknown. If we assume that you need for proper player development 3 key factors - Determination, Ambition and Professionalism. As you stated you can  have unsporting player with 20 in all of these but you don't know that. If you don't use editor/3rd party tools he can also have 1 in professionalism and ambition.

    On the other hand if you get Perfectionist/Model Citizen you are CERTAIN that he has all of those required attributes at desired level so you have statistically higher chance that he'll develop better.


    Also for many personalities it used to be 15 or more attribute value but it's now 14 that's why we have Model Citizens with 14 determination.


  17. 1 hour ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    How do they perform playing out of position? That’s the only thing that matters.


    49 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

    I never worry too much about roles and positions.

    I know I could retrain them for position but the problem is they are 'classic wingers'. A lot of acc/pace/dribbling. But they are lacking a lot marking/tackling while I wanted to play with Wide Midfielders/Defensive Wingers. Maybe I should give them a try but I don't think they'll deliver in defensive aspect.

  18. 13 hours ago, zindrinho said:

    Are you asking how to smoothly introduce the new wide players into your team?

    What specifically are you worried about, the green lines/partnerships not being there, the new wide players tactical familiarity or what?

    I'm asking do you have any tips or advices how to change tactic when it requires getting different kind of players. As said I'm probably just too worried to make changes but I should just sell my wingers and buy new ones, because I think they are only part of team that doesn't fit new system. Or keep both tactics for next season and play old one in league so I can get buyers for my old wingers. To be honest I' playing lower reputation league and it's not that easy to sell players for decent money (even for only their value).

  19. Thanks for answers but I know how to improve tactic familiarity. Maybe I asked in wrong way. I mean how to change players because obviously some of them will not fit into new system and some of them are my key players at the moment. Like AML and AMR. I my team they play as regular Wingers(S) so they are more offensive. They are lacking marking/tackling/bravery and in my new system I use Wide Midfielder and Defensive Winger.

    Maybe I shouldn't be such a pussy and just transfer list them and get myself players that will fit the position/role.

  20. 2 hours ago, djsterry said:

    One of my scouts came with a full knowledge of Greece and I've had Greek prospects in my last couple of intakes

    I assume you' not playing in Greece? That's interesting. I thought it's all about only HoYD nation knowledge.


    2 hours ago, vikeologist said:

    I mean, I have a chief scout, but he's not bringing anything to the table now that I have enough U18 coaches.

    So as I expected. Thank you for answers!

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