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737 "If you build it, he will come"

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  1. How have England scored the same number of goals as Scotland? We didn't even leave our own half.
  2. Yeah, he got more space to get forward late in the game when we had them pressed back and put a couple of decent balls in. Just as capable of completely shanking it for miles, think there was one cross picked up by Robertson at the other corner flag.
  3. I like how you can't bring yourself to admit McGregor is also clearly absolutely comfortable at that level. He's generally picked out to be tightly marked to stop us building from deep, Switzerland game him much more space than he typically gets and I thought he was much more effective, especially with Gilmour beside him, whereas he was really isolated against Germany. Ralston, agreed. He's our back up and hasn't played much. He actually did OK when he had more game time as an inverted full back under Ange, but he's never a wing back. You can see when he gets the ball he looks forward and realises HE is meant to be providing the width so there's no one ahead of him, so ends up turning inside or back.
  4. Despite a passionate appeal for leniency from the Hungarian officials.
  5. Can we defer this chat until we get pumped out at least? Clarke has bounced us back from poor results before and produced some really surprising results on the back of them. Appreciate we are obviously on a really poor run which doesn't give much hope of suddenly turning it around - but it's not like we've been on sustained good form for any great length of time while he's been in charge, except maybe those opening qualifiers.
  6. Aye, we just look so passive. And have done for ages. Can we not just watch Spain at home back and resolve to play like that?
  7. Deep in dark horse territory with Turkey. Ah well, good luck to the actual winner.
  8. If the 200,000 number is accurate, Munich is currently the city with the 3rd highest Scottish population in the world, overtaking Aberdeen
  9. Responding to the Giz-signal. Yeah I'm in. If its a five or tenner update the OP. I'm easy either way though.
  10. I read on twitter this morning that the 5b figure was literally just made up by some spoof account, and has then been seized on without any sort of fact checking / application of common sense by various outlets who just repeated it. Although Lindsay Hoyle probably thinks it should have been higher than merely 5b given the earth shattering importance.
  11. Dunno, maybe semantics here somehow? If you hate it or maybe even find it offensive are you really going to say that you grudgingly respect what a terrific show of pomp it all was?
  12. Well no, the key part here is not that news sources are paying attention, it's that people around the world are impressed. That they think it's a great show and think the UK is "doing it well." Really?
  13. Confident statement this. What elements of it are "putting on a good show"? There seems to be a potentially unfounded assumption that the rest of the world is looking on and is somehow impressed in many quarters here. Huge parts of the world must be a) not looking on or b) find it utterly cringeworthy and outdated and a horrendous waste of money, time and resources.
  14. It's worse when you're in the country and it's all being passed off as normal.
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