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Everything posted by VeniVV

  1. Perhaps because how I want to play it affects me more acutely than other peoples tactics, hence my frustration is greater than others.
  2. I think you're right. It is a question of the trade offs between using DMs for solidity and their contribution to linking the middle of the pitch. Will read about and potential submit this to the tactics forum because I would like to nail this.
  3. Here's another one, lost this time. Maybe just unlucky but seems quite a pattern. The Celta Vigo one:
  4. I think this is a good example. We created 10 clear cut chances created (CCCs) to their 2. My AF position between two strikers had an xG of 2.0. We kept their forward at bay to an extent comparatively. My defenders underperformed and we conceded a goal to a long shot. I will try OIs by position, actually. Maybe that's the final jigsaw puzzle. I'm not quite sure on what the solution is to squeeze the gap in the middle whilst maintaining compactness.
  5. Thanks for the breakdown! Here's a recent game: I'm not quite sure why it works. I think my big issue is opposition away games against strong teams. I see others struggle with this and I don't know what it is going on under the hood to correct it.
  6. This is interesting. Thanks for this. I notice quite a few goals conceded. Where are they coming from? Here's what I'm trialing. I'd be keen to know where I can improve as it seems that you enjoy the defence side of the game like I do: Edit: Both goals they scored from goals in behind. I'm not sure what I can do to correct this. I'd just like clean sheets, really.
  7. These are good points. I put the defensive line a notch because with the two DMs, I saw TOO much compression. I agree with the high press too. To counteract, I put my forward to close down less often. This allow opportunities to press up high if it makes sense to do so but generally they will revert into shape. Ideally, I'd like to play standard line, mid-block. When I did this, I found that I was conceding a) too many long shots, b) allowing wide players to make through balls down the wing to cross for a high xG chance for a striker. It then made sense to close down those opportunities, rather than keep shape overly. This tactic was a response to what I saw in game. This is my ideal tactic that I'd like to perform: Full backs stay wider. Both DMs on hold position.
  8. This is you in your Mourinho thread: "Seemingly 9/10 tactics in the tactics sharing forum are some kind of Gegenpress-style tactic. In the last few versions of the game it is no secret that high pressing, high-intensity, "balls to the wall" attacking football started to seem like the only way to play. " I would be more than happy to perhaps to a testing league with low, mid block and high press tactics. My feeling is that the high press will overperform the latter. Supplemented by this video: I do not think the recharacterization of the match engine is as pronounced from FM22 to FM23 in the pressing department and its equation to win %. I might be wrong, though.
  9. Thanks, this a helpful. I’ll give it a whirl later on and see how I get on.
  10. I concentrate on roles and duties first and foremost. Then I see how it looks and how the mentality impacts the roles and it’s impact on the four stages of play. I like to keep it simple initially because I can see where to identify easily where deficiencies are. I am currently using a high press but with strikers to have balanced press trigger on cautious mentality. This allows my strikers to apply a press if the opportunity arises without having to go past a line of engagement so it presents more opportunities to turnover, especially against lesser opponents whilst maintaining shape. My two DMs act as holding midfielders with a degree of risk to allow progressive passes but stop counter attacks. Full backs create width. My tactics perform well most of the time. I just cannot stop conceding goals to small xG chances. Nor when coming against a different tactical style, understanding what needs to change. Away games seem to my problem. I’m not sure what is going on under the hood to counteract it. I read that is because of the AI using a more positive mentality at home. Fine. But what tools can I use to counteract that? I’m still not sure what mentality is and I don’t understand, despite reading countless posts on it, what it does on the game systems. There doesn’t seem to be a unified consensus on it.
  11. See, I read a post like this and I feel a sense of encouragement that it is possible. The issue I have is that my weakness is balls over the top with drop off more. It doesn’t seem viable to allow players, at any level, the time and space to play a through ball because of my defenders having trouble dealing with those balls. I would ideally like to play a 442DM that is compact, narrow, and hard to breakdown. But it feels that giving other teams time on the ball is a death sentence. I have used selective pressing but it still allows the opposition to overperform because of the lack of pressure we give. I notice other YouTubers cite the ball over the top issue as well. Like I said in a previous post, the information in the game and on the forums, digital channels etc, for years has been contradictory. I don’t know who to listen to anymore. I am 100% happy to learn but I don’t know who anymore. It would be good to use the in game descriptions but it doesn’t feel adequate. I recall doing a test of the same match 20 times. The variance was quite outstanding. I’d win 4-0, 2-1, 3-1, then lose 4-2, 3-1, 5-0, then win 3-1, lose 4-1 etc. It made me feel the game was a bit of a lottery to be honest. I’m sure that with the game systems it isn’t a lottery and it is more sophisticated than that, but that is how it feels like. This game in particular makes me feel more like a passenger than any other FM.
  12. I have spent countless hours going through this forum, your videos, multiple blogs, dev posts etc. I generally find it’s contradictory really. I’d feel far more encouraged if there was an official in game wiki that without ambiguity tells me EXACTLY what mentality is (yes, it’s risk - but is it? Has it been reworked?) I have for multiple FMs trying to recreate a Simeone 442. Mid block, low block, high press variations depending on the opposition. That’s the challenge for me. I don’t expect to win every game. I do hope to be competitive, though. I look at things that you taught me “are my players providing key passes? What is the xG like? Are we progressive? What do we look like in transition?” I recall on a Zealand and RDF video, albeit for fm21 or fm22 that your tactic should have a high press. I look at tactics on the forum for years that suggest a high press, even with tactics that suggest Mourinho/Simeone styles. And if I’m not going crazy, I recall a post by you in which you said that the difference between high press tactics and low blocks haven’t been closed up in gap of performance. I don’t feel clever enough not do I feel I have the tools to adapt to things in this game. I don’t understand why, in a match, we have less ways of understanding in real time what is happening vs. On fm17 where I can have data points consistently through the game. I think you’re completely right by taking my posts recently and extrapolating that I’m a troll. I’m going through a bit dark time and in some infantile quest for escapism where I can, for a moment, where life isn’t drowning me and driving me to point of topping myself, I use this game to escape it for maybe 15 minutes, an hour or more. So last night you caught me on a snapping point. It happens. But perhaps it feels like this game just isn’t for me anymore. If I have to spend countless hours (And I mean countless) to have a basic grasp of how I can use the game mechanics to produce the football I want, then perhaps I need to take a step back from the series. It was for me for over a decade but now the game just leaves me feel sad without joy because I don’t understand what to do with the information presented to me.
  13. Do those tactics involve high line pressing by any chance? Just like how if the AI uses high line press, they overachieve?
  14. Probably because we want to do tactical styles like mid to low blocks and not play high press, possession football that the ME favours. AI managers that have this preset generally get 95-100 points. Any other style gives you 82-90 points. No other style is viable. And maybe it is, but immense micro management. But then I remember I’m playing this as a form of recreation and to relax. there just simply aren’t enough ways to understand when things are going wrong. The lack of info and analytics in games, except at half time, is criminal. I don’t understand this artificial creation of difficulty. Is it to force us to watch the mediocre graphics? I don’t know. I’m getting tired of the game and this company. It’s pretty deflating that their obsession for simulation without enabling players to accessibly make tweaks and course correct.
  15. Keeping clean sheets is impossible. The game is driving me insane. And the tactical UI is terrible. This game doesn’t feel fun. It just turns me into a toxic human being and actually degrades my mental health because I want to enjoy it but I can’t.
  16. It shouldn't really matter that much. So long as your team presses high and frequently, you'll see a lot of what you want to happen actually happen on the pitch.
  17. This is good if you want to under perform as the match engine only really favors pressing systems. Has been like this for years and will continue to be so.
  18. So long as your tactic includes pressing, it should be okay. So long as you tweak roles accordingly. Formation is secondary to pressing instructions.
  19. I call the "Drop off more" the lose button. The ME favors high pressures. Has been like this years. Will always be like this, unfortunately. Never make a tactic that yields territory or pressure. It is not like real life where compactness allows for solidity. You'll just have any team - regardless of skill level - pass through you.
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