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Everything posted by VeniVV

  1. This won't be fixed. Player ratings having any sense or consistency have never been a thing for FM unfortunately. For this version, it is the CBs turn to be underrated. It'll be another position next year. Hope this helps.
  2. I think it’s the lack of contrition or acknowledgment of short comings from the development and community staff at SI that irks me the most at this point.
  3. Hi Jack, I cannot express due to the limitations of vernacular language how frustrating it is to have to go through forums to find out what the core components of the game ACTUALLY do. Whatever plans you have for FM24, bench them. Put this to the top of the agenda so the understanding of the tactical system and its relationship with the match engine is fully grasped. I am absolutely tired and fatigued - for over a DECADE - having to go through forums, posts, comments, blogs etc. to find out what the BASIC elements of the game actually do. And each one of those being completely contrary to one another. Mentality: I still do not understand what that is even after having the game for a decade. One week I hear a post its about risk level. Another blog post by SI comes out contradicts that notion completely. I'd urge you to shift the focus from "want to clear up" to "NEED" to clear up more because we're getting to parody levels quite frankly.
  4. First purchase of a game that has made me angry in a while. Not really sure what the differences are from FM22 to FM23. Understand why no marketing was put into this. I'd actually feel a bit cringed out trying to market this to the same userbase as last year. Match engine changes aren't as they were described. Gegenpress still the meta, as it has been for over a decade (when it was simply high line and close down more). There isn't really much of an incentive to do much else than 4-3-3 Gegenpress. Generally feel you're taking this userbase for a ride. Think you know you've got a recurring revenue product, doesn't need much tweaking and you've monopolized a market pretty much. No need to listen to feedback from fans over the years. No need to revamp international football, the tactical system, the match engine, graphics, UI. No need at all. Because you know we're going to buy it next year, and the year after. You'll parade the beta matches stats, thank us (of course) for our money, look at your revenue and say to yourself at the next product meeting "well, if we weren't doing something wrong, people wouldn't buy it". For me, not a penny more into your company. You frankly deserve a nosebleed of a quarter at this point because nothing is going to course correct this bland and superficial changes you charge us top rate for. Your standards have slipped into the delusional territory, exemplified by parading these ridiculous regen faces with pride and without any shroud of irony. I won't go as far to say that you all don't care anymore, but you are seriously making me struggle to believe that you do.
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