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Everything posted by MatiasDFS

  1. For the first half of the year (from january to june) the argentinian league (28 teams) divides into two 14 teams groups, and youre supposed to play 13 games, one against each team, but instead you play 14, with one extra game against a random team you already played with, tested on many saves. The steps to reproduce it are just starting a save with an argentinian team, pick january as the starting date, wait for the draw and check the calendar.
  2. lol i was 99% sure it was an auto save from 12th jan, or at least that was what the load option said lol, i must have confused them when uploading sorry. Sadly i dont have it anymore, ill continue the save to see if playing through march fixes it and also to see if i can reproduce it again next year, my bad.
  3. if you guys have experience with this kind of issues and could guess if this was a one time thing or will always happen from now on in the save it would be great, asi im really into the save and maybe its worth playing this bugged season if it will go back to normal after.
  4. Im in 2027 with an Arg first division team and my libertadores group looks like this, with no games in my schedule at all. Save games uploaded to the cloud, one a few days before the draw (beforedraw.fms) and one a month after when i noticed the bug (afterdraw.fms).
  5. The nerf could be unbalanced but tuning down whats overpowered is part of making the game better, of course if they were really good in previous versions at the point where you dont even think of using another role the tweak will make them worse, it isnt necessarily wrong. Cant think of a wing player scoring 3 per game in any team of the world right now.
  6. it says alan sombra is happy to stay at "club#1", uploaded it to the cloud named "club#1issue.fms"
  7. yup, next one comes around april i think
  8. second save it happens, guess its a bug. Uploaded two saves to the cloud, one right before the youth intake should come and one right after it didnt come (noyouthbefore.fms and noyouthafter.fms).
  9. sounds like its worth the try! you found a ratio that looks fair
  10. i personally think 50% is a lot, building a decent avg rating for 10-15 matches in a 38 games League is something i want to notice from a player when i check the stats.
  11. i know brazil has license issues but we could have it anyway like in the PC game, its top 10 in the world imo
  12. and then here we are some of us who even play the full fat PC version in 2D while its true i dont think what FrazT said means FMM23 will have 3d, its also true the annoying "this will be the same game, copy paste with updated transfers" comments start even before the actual new features are shown every year.
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