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42 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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  1. Ah yes I'm with you, done as suggested and have the files!! Thanks for the suggestion mate!!!!
  2. I've downloaded the other files and no issues with them....at a loss!!!
  3. Thanks for the link but again when downloaded still no files in the folder!! Will keep using last years competition pack
  4. Hi Steve, Not sure if this is a fault my end but when i open the competition folder there are no files, please see below
  5. Loving your work as always!! And a massive thanks for all you do for the FM community, always a but, no files in the competition download...
  6. I'm still trying to figure it out!! I'll get there in the end...
  7. I tried editing the below to match with yours and still nothing, here is what mine looks like(i'm using my own skin) Not sure how else to edit it to get to my desired destination!! <widget class="stadium_picture" id="STAp" image_alignment="top, centre_x" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true"> <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </widget>
  8. @snowofman I have that stadium ID on the config file and it shows up for Milan and Inter on the club overview page, just not on the national overview page, when I go into facilities and click on the San Siro it shows up, just no picture on the nation overview panel.
  9. Hi all, I was wondering if there was a way to get a national stadium to show for countries that use various stadiums? i.e as per the below picture Italy have various stadiums so none shows for this reason I'm assuming. Any help would be most appreciative.
  10. Congratulations @snowofman Also I'd like to thank you personally for your help over this past year, always been happy to help no matter how small or big the issue!!! Thanks again
  11. Hi mate, I did for FM23, This was a screenshot for FM22.
  12. You said you wanted club colours as a side bar........Sorry for trying to help you
  13. If you go to settings you can change the sidebar to show icons only. This can be found under the interface preferences.
  14. Hi there, try using the below attachment, just add it to the Skin>Panel>Generic folder sidebar menu table.zip
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