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9 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Long time player of the CM/FM series. My enjoyment of this year's edition has been the lowest in a long time. I'm sick of the issues in this year's game, which SI just don't seem to want to fix with the new FM25 coming out. Just some of my gripes listed below; 1. The whole squad demanding new contracts after you win a promotion. Even players who aren't good enough to make the step up and have played little in the promotion winning season come moaning about wanting new deals and then upset the whole morale of the squad if they don't get their way. The overreactions with the player - manager communication is so annoying. 2. The amount of disallowed goals, especially when VAR is in play in the PL. Had some frustrating disallowed goals in L1/Championship, but once you get to the PL, it's on another level. Screenshot attached to give an example and this isn't a one-off. 3. The lack of job offers. I've took Derby from League 1 to the Premier League in 2 years. Then finished 8th in first season and 3rd in second PL season, getting into the CL. Had ZERO job offers or interviews. Totally unrealistic. You can't have a career save on this game. IRL, that sort of success would have you linked with bigger clubs in the PL and abroad. This part of the game seems to have got a lot worse in recent years. There are some other bugs that annoy me that are still in the game, but are game killers though. Like the shirt numbers and names occasionally going blank during matches Just seems that a lot of corners have been cut this year, which is disappointing considering that a lot of the game is really good. It could be so much more enjoyable and immersive. I hope these are being fixed ahead of FM25.
  2. Same thing happened for me recently. Manager of Boston. Got offered a job at Charlton. Went to the meeting where Boston tried to convince me to stay. Still said I'm going, but then couldn't take the Charlton job and the end of the meeting effectively meant I resigned as well.
  3. Still doesn't get away from the fact that the game is telling me he's getting 'Star Player' time. Also, I'd argue that it needs tweaking a bit as well because it'd mean you can't condition the player. Taking him off when a game is won, so I can then start him in the next game is good management. Not something the game should penalise for.
  4. I have a player set as a 'Star Player', which is what he's getting, but he's still concerned at the amount of playing time he's getting?
  5. Sorry for the delay. Been trying to reproduce the issue again and it happened tonight. Screenshot attached. Save uploaded under 'Player Names Missing 14.11'.
  6. Same issue occurred for me here. Using a Macbook Pro on Sonoma 14.0.
  7. A promise was successfully completed in playing a player in his preferred position and I got the news item confirming. Now when I go into his profile, it says he's unhappy that the promise has been broken.
  8. Just an update on this. Had the same issue today after starting another save. Then, went back to my other save that had the issue yesterday and the names were there again? Didn't witness this issue after playing many, many games during the BETA/EA.
  9. This happened in my game yesterday as well. Had to clear the cache and delete the preferences folder(s), but is there any reason why this has started to occur?
  10. @TCSSkin How 'easy' is it to do this? Would I need Photoshop or is there a site I could use? I really love the WTCS skin, but the background is the only bit that's frustrating me now.
  11. Hi Does anyone have any ideas why this has now showed up on the sidebar since the full release? Looks like a graphical glitch between the Club Info and Dev Centre buttons?
  12. Just noticed that a news item received is missing a space between two words in the title.
  13. The 2D ball size for the Eredivisie and Europa League seems a lot bigger than the standard ball used for friendlies/non-licenced games.
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