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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Any way to add pizza charts to players profiles?
  2. How do you add the form to the end of the league table that’s awesome
  3. Thanks for the help man, it’s turned out that while I was editing the skin with the help of the rescource achiever I was using the p file and I just needed to download the zip file and edit that, worked!!!
  4. HELP PLEASE!! I managed to get background images to show and it worked amazingly I was so happy and then when I finished playing I shut down as usual, next day I loaded in and the font has gone? I managed to re edit the client object file after re downloading the skin from scratch and it worked, shut down and it happened again?! Every time I close the game and re open it on steam this happens and I lose the fonts and stuff? What am I doing wrong, helppp pleaseeeeee
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