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Everything posted by Volband

  1. Thanks, dude! I was about to start a Dresden save when I saw that the trophy cabinet is missing a bunch of Oberliga titles. That's when google helped me find this thread! Edit: for some reason I am having some troubles though. The trophy pack did not load, and not all trophies are displayed. The German ones seem fine, but in the PL I don't see any first division trophies for example. (I have the Epic version, 24.3. patch)) Edit2: "Installing" a regular trophy pack enabled your trophy images as well, which is neat. So the only issue is that the trophies are not seperated in all the leagues (in Germany they are, in England they are not).
  2. What do you guys actually want from interviews to change? I always see complaints about it, so I am very interested in what would you actually propose, because they are pretty boring in real life as well.
  3. FM 22 was released on nov 8 and the beta dropped on oct 20 (Wednesday). FM 23 will also going to be released on nov 8, and according to the epic store, the beta is going to be released today, oct 20. So... let's just say while I wouldn't bet my life on it, it's quite reasonable to expect it to drop today.
  4. How will we sleep at night now? Sure, my bank, phone company and other various applications I have know everything about me already, but Sega? Sega knowing the bare minimum about me is where I draw the line. Real life Chuck Mcgills here...
  5. I didn't remember your whole post, it just sticked with me that someone definitely mentioned it as an issue, and now that they fixed it, someone else immediately jumps in and ridicules it. To me, it encapsulates all the childish behaviour which is wrong with almost every gaming community. And I'm something of a veteran myself, because it's been what feels like an eternity of reading "VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!" on /r/hearthstone yet everyone still buys and it, everyone enjoys it, then everyone complains again. Similar thing is happening with FM - the negative nancies have their season of ******** on everything, then it all calms down as we move on to discuss the new game and our fun saves, tragic misfortune, soon to be poached wonderkids, etc. I do think the small stuff are important, so I get where you are coming from. What irks me is the demagogue way people wind themselves and others up into a circlejerk. Once again, a bunch of new improvements were just announced, and some of the reddit and si forum comedians go for the lowest hanging fruit and make fun of the background changes. Makes you question their reading comprehensibility, because it is literally listed under "miscellaneous", right after the other, more impactful features. It's just annoying that so many people are here (and on other social platforms) just to get annoyed and be cynical.
  6. I am not a fan of dev. time being taken up in favor of impelementing women's football, and I won't even play it, but you have to be joking if you think women's football is not a new feature lol. It's not just copy pasting the men's side and giving the characters bigger chests. In fact it's going to be one of the biggest new features in the game for a while, whether we actually want it or not.
  7. In previous years, October was the month where my Twitter account became the place to reveal several new Football Manager features, big and small, that would improve your game experience but didn’t fit into the other major announcements. With FMFC in place, we’ve decided to instead give this information out exclusively to you, our FMFC members, and save your Twitter timelines. You also now get it all in one go, rather than just a snippet every day.
  8. I love you guys. Someone in here or on reddit L I T E R A L L Y complained about how lame it is that no matter which club you are at, you are always getting the same meeting room backgrounds. Now you cherry pick this one example out of the many more new stuff, and pretend no one actually wanted this. God, I can't wait until (hopefully) tomorrow, so people will finally start playing and enjoying the game, so we don't have to read this endless suffering of complaints for the sake of complaints. Yes, there are many valid complaint points, but this is just absurd.
  9. When the reddit circlejerk agrees with you it is not necessarily a compliment or reason to be encouraged. You guys bring up some very valid criticism and then immediately make all of them look like a rambling of a child when you type or echo things like "no real improvement or innovation for years". That is objectively not true, and it's impossible to take people seriously who have to resort to such hyperboles. It's going to be funny when in a few weeks this usual whining is finally replaced with people once again talking about the game (whether they play the newest one or a later version). Threads like that reddit thread is just frankly pathetic. I do have to say though that the guy on the last page was extremely spot on about how valid criticism about match and newgen graphics should not be dismissed by "hurr durr that's not why you play a manager game". I personally don't mind the graphics, nor do I think an update to international management should be on SI's top 50 priority list, BUT these are absolutely valid things to be upset about. Especially the graphics part, because it is indeed annoying that SI refuses to even comment on that. I was pretty shocked when I first saw older FM graphics and how better they looked.
  10. 21 and 22 (and 23 from what I've seen) were similar, but fm20 was fugly because of the oversaturation
  11. Because males and females are inherently different. I do agree though that hairstyles or manager clothing should be applicable to both genders. It's a very minor part of the game, but often times they can make a save that much more like... it's yours or something.
  12. The exact same features with additional info and footage so it's fine. They also showed a new graph. If they keep giving tidbits like these every day then I am fine with it. edit: sadly one day's promo package will surely be some dude talking about the importance of European competitions, just like Fabrizio talked about deadline days, but that's a pill we have to swallow
  13. With fm 22 it felt like we'Ve got a new video for every single day. And when we didn't, it was Miles tweeting frantically, hinting at new - yet unannounced - features. Sure, some of them (dynamic youth rating) ended up being controversial down the road, but that is besides the point. It's ~10 days till the beta and we haven't heard anything since that video, which was pretty thin to begin with. edit: lmao they just released a new vid right around when I commented. this is more like it!
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