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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Sheffield Wednesday

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    Cercle Sportif FOLA Esch (LUX)

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  1. Thank you. That explanation does make sense, now that I think about it.
  2. First off: incredible skin. I'm completely lost but I love it. Have a question, though: is this skin at all feasible for an LLM-save? I'm currently managing in the thirteenth english tier and since you stated that all data in the pizza chart is shown as a comparison to players in the top 20 leagues.... I wonder if the data I see is at all useful for me? My players have an average attribute rating of 5-6, after all...
  3. Swift Hesperange/Hesperingen are the club taken over by dubious "Sugar Daddy" Flavio Becca in 2019 after he stopped sinking his money into F91 Dudelange/Düdelingen (his former "toy"). Becca was heavily invested with german lower League side 1. FC Kaiserslautern, too. So, basically Hesperange are in Luxembourg what PSG are in France (although the financial gap between them and the other clubs in the league isn't as huge as it is in France, admittedly.) About the relegation and instant bounce-back: Depending on the database you use such things are rather to be expected in Luxembourg. Most clubs are semi-professional at best, in 2nd tier ("Eirepromotion") you may even find a couple pure amateur sides. They rarely hand out "real" contracts but often resort to appearance fees and the like. That means that a side may field an entire different First Eleven after every transfer period. And since Hesperange has a lot of money (due to Becca if he's present in your database), they may just have signed tons of star players after their promotion.... Regarding your save: You keep impressing me, pretty much becoming THE dominant side in Luxembourg within just a couple of seasons. Congrats!
  4. Incredible! Congrats for qualifying for the group stage. I play a journeyman currently and managed in the luxembourgian top tier for 6 years, competing in europe in 5 of them. I nevermanaged to go further than to the playoffs for the ECL. Massive achievement you have there!
  5. It's good to see someone play in Luxembourg. Great save so far (from a FOLA fans' perspective: wrong club though ). Will follow this one - good luck! Derry is a difficult draw but surely not impossible to beat. One word of advice - do not rush to become professional too soon. Money is so very tight in Luxembourg that you could end up ruining the club that way. (Speaking from experience.... )
  6. Greetings, probably a dumb question but I need to ask anyway: I'm searching for the "increase scouting range" board request option in FM23. I used this a lot in FM20 (I only recently switched from 20 to 23) since I always play LLM/journeyman saves. Usually, you can start asking the board for increased scouting range once you turn professional. But with FOLA Esch (Luxembourg) the option just doesn't show up in FM23. The club is fully professional for more than a complete season now and I still can only assign scouts to Luxembourg (clubs, league, complete country), just as if I still was at a semi-professional club. It's not game-breaking (since I like to concentrate on lux. players, anyway) but it bugs me that I can't find the option to increase the scouting range. Infact I do not even find the "you are allowed to scout in..." information that I remember being shown somewhere in the scouting tab. So: What am I doing wrong here? I'm grateful for any hint, thanks in advance. EDIT: I found the answer myself. As soon as I had a really really large scouting budget (several millionse) and chose the scouting package "worldwide", I could assign scouts to a recruitment focus outside the country my club is based in. Apparently there is no such thing as a board request for an enlarged scouting range anymore.
  7. That is a misunderstanding, I guess. You originally asked for lower league logos. And the logos in the post I linked (the post by AhMostyn ) are perfectly compatible with FM23 (I verified this with a certain PL logo not included in the vanilla game ). The league files by Dan from the starting post of that topic are not compatible, however. I played FM20 up until April this year (due to an ongoing manager story in another forum) and then switched to FM23.
  8. If the file is for FM23 it should be playable. But to be honest - I avoid using files from the steam workshop. Too many people upload files there that aren't thoroughly tested and bug out after a couple seasons. (Dans FM23 file seems to be level 11 "only" for now, at least I didn't find another one with a quick search.)
  9. There is a logo pack for the level 20+ league FM20 file of Dan BHTFC. And since the club IDs haven't changed since FM20 you should be able to still use those logos. EDIT: found it - there you go. I used this logo pack in FM20 and I used it again im FM23 so I can confirm that it works. You may have to adjust your logo config files. (I didn't use any other league files with Dans, no idea if using multiple league files at once is even possible with that gargantuan english pyramid.) You can definitely add the logos manually to the existing config files, I tested that. @AhMostyn Thank you very much for those logos, they made (and still make) Dans file so much more enjoyable for me.
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