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Everything posted by Ironbucket

  1. Yep, thats what I was referring to but it looks like you are all good there. The only other thing I can think of that has messed me up in the past is going over to the left hand side and under "Competitions" for Nation Rules it has a list of your competitions. Make sure they are listed in the right order there
  2. Looks like it is calling out a specific child competition. Do you have division levels set for all of them as well as domestic division types set? I frequently miss these as when you duplicate the league to create a new one they aren't filled out the same as the league you duplicate from
  3. Hello Everyone. I am trying to set up seedings for a promotion playoff. I have 4 groups and its a bit complex because I am giving my top seeds in each group a couple round bye, but essentially I just want to set it so that the top available seed that doesnt have a bye plays the lowest available seed in each round. I have round defaults set to fixed draw and to not randomize home/away and then in the teams tab I am setting the top and bottom positions to pull from. This gets pretty close to what I am looking for, but often times the matchups will be pretty random. I have attached my file here. The second tier competition is the one I am having trouble with. Thank you! World Super League San Marino.fmf
  4. Thanks, I'll try setting up all the domestic leagues so they finish before the tournament starts. That may do it
  5. Hello everyone, I often like to make editor files that involve every country in the World. I've made plenty of these and they work fine, albeit they are usually very slow moving in game and I never typically make it past a season or two as a result. I recently had an idea that might help speed up the game significantly, but will still keep the spirit of a world league and I wanted to run it by those in the Advanced Editor forum to see if there are any issues that I am overlooking or maybe a different approach to accomplish the same goal. The basic premise is that instead of placing all the clubs in a single nation, they all remain in their own nation and I will set up lots of individual nation files in a uniform fashion. That way I can select the nations I'm interested in managing, but all nations will still be involved in this world system. All the nations will have the same structure, 3 clubs in the top league, 256(for nations that have this many clubs available) in the second tier split into 16 Regional groups and an inactive 3rd tier. I have been also setting up a 64 club promotion playoff with a single promoted club to the world league tier, which I was able to get working in the Advanced Rules. The part that is a bit more unconventional is how the actual world league will be set up. I was planning on doing it by using a cup competition within a single nation with a huge group stage to pull the clubs from the top league of each nation. I 've tried setting up Continental files using "World" as the continent in the past to accomplish this, but it always seems to grab the wrong clubs. Is there a way in the advanced editor to guarantee that the 3 clubs from the top domestic league for that season will be selected every time? Using cup the cup competition has worked on a small scale for this idea and it always pulls in the correct clubs, but I feel like this is the part that has the most potential for issue or unintended consequences. Otherwise is there an easier way to accomplish what I am trying to do here or am I overlooking something? I realize there are world champions league files out there, but this idea is more of a world super league where the clubs in the top division primarily play other world clubs and only will play a handful of game against their domestic clubs to try to not get relegated.
  6. I know I have seen this topic come up before in the past, but I'd like to continue suggesting it to keep it top of mind for a future iteration of the game. I think it would be a great feature to be able to use your earned wages over the course of your career to buy a majority stake(or even a minority stake) in another club. Even if we could just have some simple ownership/board decisions that we are able to make or influence in the background while we continue our manager career I think would provide another interesting layer to the game. You could buy your hometown club and follow along as you try to guide them to success from afar. Maybe you loan some of your players to that club, and hire a manager that fits the play style of the players you have loaned. Let's say you build the reputation and finances of a club, then you can sell that club and go for an even larger club that comes up for sale. It seems like a fun feature that has a lot of potential. I know the game isn't called football chairman or football owner, but this would just be a small side thing that can be done and gives you more of a reason to go after higher wages in your career.
  7. No, they are all AI generated. It usually takes a few attempts/messing around with prompts to get something usable since AI is very bad at team names/letter placement on logos
  8. Hello everyone, I have been working on a US database with lots of subdivisions, I have everything working with basic rules but there are a number of things that I am looking to add in with the advanced editor. I am getting an error on verification which I know is incorrect involving the promoted and relegated teams not matching up. I have tried verifying the league from bottom to top individually to see what the issue is and when I get to the US Regional Divisions it tells me that no teams are being relegated to the division below even though one team should be going down through the relegation playoff. I have gone into that stage and checked and there is a fate action to relegate a team from that playoff. I am unsure what I am missing because I am just doing the verification without changing any rules over from the basic editor. I have also tried to bypass verification, but the process from previous years does not seem to work anymore. I have attached my editor file here, any help or thoughts on what could be causing it is appreciated! Final US Regions League.fmf
  9. It appears that changing it from logo to Icon has fixed it, thank you!
  10. Hello everyone, I started a bit of an ambitious database in FM 24 that involves custom logos. I have the database close to completed, but I cant get the custom icons to appear correctly when viewing the league table. The logos appear to be working correctly in most other scenarios so I am unsure of what could be causing this. I'm not able to post all the custom logos in my database as it would go well over the size limit, but I have attached my config file and my editor file here as well as logos for a couple of the clubs. Any suggestions on what may be causing the issues with the clubs not showing up on the league table would be greatly appreciated! config.xml Global Premier League Final.fmf
  11. Agreed with all of the above here. Just had to scrap a file that I spent hours working on thinking I could bypass verification in XML.
  12. The attention to detail on this is astonishing. The idea for this as well as the creativity are very nice as well. Looking forward to giving this DB a try!
  13. Hello everyone, I have a league with two subdivisions with 12 teams in each subdivision. I have the leagues currently set up to play everyone in their subdivision once. Is there a way to get a third fixture against the other subdivision and have the results count? I know how to do this when the teams are in groups but cant figure it out for subdivisions. Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks!
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