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37 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Brighton & Hove Albion

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  1. hi! im wondering how to edit a league's prize money if that's possible? i cant seem to find it
  2. in the player history for Gift Orban, it says that his club Bison was from south Africa, which is incorrect, he came from a Nigerian amateur club also called Bison. i noticed this when i signed him for my "your world" save
  3. what happened here? both of these players were from my intake
  4. our defense has fallen apart a bit, but we are currently on course to stay up midway through december, somehow we got a win over Milan too! (trying to forget about the 7-1 loss to Roma)
  5. so... we were promoted again in Season 2..... and our 2nd top goalscorer in all comps (top scorer in the league) was the 17 year old CB with 16 goals.... the intake, but remember the levels, i only really have hope for one of them
  6. Season review for 2023/24 in Serie C. we win the title! I have no clue how we did it, but we finish the season with 86 points! our intake was also amazing this season (for Serie C that is) Raimondo Delicato, the absolute monster, was the star of the intake, he also scored on his senior debut, 2 days after signing his contract with us! (no transfers this season) here's the squad!
  7. halfway through season 1... we were predicted to finish bottom of the table, and we are currently fighting our city rivals for the title...
  8. I have previously failed with Catania and Pianese in Italy. Serie B is the bane of my existence, we must go back, and this attempt, after many months away from any type of challenge save is..... AC ESTE!
  9. we also had a great intake this season! but then again Serie C level players won't be amazing
  10. Season 2 is done and we win Serie C/C! we also retain the Coppa Italia Serie C! it will be a rough season in Serie B next year in the scrap against the drop
  11. end of the 23/24 season! we reached the Serie C playoff semifinal where we lost out in extra time to Crotone. we did however win the Coppa Italia Serie C thanks to a massive first leg win over Pro Vicelli.
  12. Intake is here! the day after we qualify for the playoffs out first season, there are 2 players with decent potential, although i have my doubts about their abilities
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