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8 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. And this is a worked example of why you need to bring forward the Leinster championship matches to stop them running into the European knockouts. In this case its getting bumped because *Meath* not me is in Europe
  2. More loan bug - he is under contract until 2038. I cannot work out precisely what causes the issue.
  3. Further testing of the loans issue reveals it has only happened with other Irish teams - loans to European countries never have the issue. You will always be able to propose an extension unless the other side is not interested.
  4. More on the loan.. thing. Previous in game day, I couldn't offer loan extensions to most of the players with loans exnding 1/7/2033. Today.. I can offer it to some of them?
  5. Okay I've got the start of the 31/32 season and I'm thinking about packing the save in. The bug that means you cannot extend loans due to 'Their being no valid transfer window to return in' is destroying my fun as so many players come back, and it takes so long to get them back out on loan that the dressing room starts kicking off about being left out of the training camp or being left out the squad at the start of the transfer window or being left out of European competition. I've spoken to other build a nation players and this is definitely some sort of bug. I'd suggest checking the transfer window situation and walking through. This is 'must address' imho as it makes things tedious and almost unplayable. I cannot really even buy new players because it takes so long to filter everyone back out on loan. Edit: to put some numbers on this, of 46 players out on loan, 18 can be extended, 4 cannot be extended due to contracts expliring, 1cannot be extended as the club doesn't want them back and 23 cannot be extended due to the loan window bug thing. The only other serious piece of feedback is the week break between the Leinster group stage and the finals results in the schedule overlapping with the European games causing the schedule to blow out. Bringing the first two finals games forward a week and then having the last two games once a week on the weekend would stop this interaction.
  6. New bizarre issue. I've won the league, and that has guarteed UEFA champions league group stage. Player wants to leave to play in the champions league in the midseason window. I cannot say 'WE'RE QUALIFIED FOR NEXT YEAR YOU DOOFUS' which seems weird, but I'm guessing is probably not you.
  7. The extremely annoying loans not being able to renewed due to no valid transfer window stuff persists: I thought it was something to do with this, but this guy: and this guy Cannot have their loans extended due to 'no valid window to return in before their contract expires' despite that obviously not being the case. Might be a bug, might be something to do with the database.
  8. I actually lost the league! We massively bottled it. On the upside the league is strengthing, but by far the funniest thing to happen is: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is somehow in the league. He got Middlesbrough up the Premier league via the playoffs, got relegated and then sacked, and is now managing Galway. One piece of feedback. After the midseason transfer window, there is another squad registration window for the Allianz league... but obviously no more league games. People still get mad at you for not registering them however. I'm not sure if you can take it out, but changing the registration process or window here to eliminate the registration process if possible would remove a minor source of annoyance.
  9. I'm not sure if this is a bug, a thing, or what, but I accidentally loaned out some players at the start of the season on 5 month loans. Now their loans are expiring at ~14th Jan 2028 and I cannot extend their loans as there is not a valid transfer window for them to return before their contract expires - but they are under contract until 2031 and 2032. My only hypothesis is that's happening because of the restricted transfer window at the end of the season? Your guess is as good as mine. The premier league is now absolutely gutting my squad though.
  10. The rep issue has mostly fixed itself by the 27-28 season. Current rep rankings: Allianz Div 1: 35th (still silly, we are behind the Cypiot first league, but what can you do) Div 2: 69th (nice) Div 3: 107th Div 4: 151th (one step ahead of Norway's 4th division). The fourth division still has an inexplicably poor reputation, as the clubs are pretty solid, but the wage issue is rife at this level. Carlow is spending 14k of a 129k a week budget, and they have 20 million pounds in the bank. Limerick is even worse:
  11. One really minor thing - I made the knockout rounds of the champions league, which, as I have preferences set to 'force wednesday/saturday' due to playing a network game this has the odd result of heavily sliding back the finals of the lenister senior football championship. Munster has had its finals and won and we are still to do our Semi finals. I'll keep you updated, but this might cause the finals to bleed over into the all ireland. Does not cause any problems, though it might if I stayed alive in the CL. I'm not totally sure how to fix it or if it needs fixing given the highly specific combination of events and settings here. One option might be as per my diagram, but I'm not really sure: Having it played over 4 weeks on saturdays only might work, but obviously this only matters if you have the Wednesday/Saturday forcing thing set, so you could probably consign it to the 'not really a problem' basket. (The Semi Final is being held on the 24th now that I've been knocked out). Another scheduling issue that cropped up: Not sure it's a big deal.
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