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Issue Comments posted by glennuk

  1. Just to update the above.

    I was able to get a new contract, 3 months after mine technically expired (I asked via board request), which makes me think although my expiry (see above) was 31st December, the game AI saw it as 31st June.


    Strange thing is (this may be a real life rule, or club preference that is hidden for Badak Lampung) but I was only allowed a 10 month contract, which again says it expires Dec 2024 (which I am hoping in reality means June 2024)


  2. I think this might be related to contract issues in general, so wanted to add here, but willing to open a new thread if needed.

    As a Manager my contract finishes on the 31st December. Even though I have a Satisfaction Rating of A- and my job is very secure, the board will not renew my contract. When I go past 31st December I am still the manager (my contract did not expire), but the board will still not renew my contract.

    Do they perhaps believe it finished on the 31st July? (similar to the gap between player contracts and players moving?)





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