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Rooneys 32nd minute headers

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Posts posted by Rooneys 32nd minute headers

  1. The trialist thing is a bit weird, I can understand that you can't just see their full starts forever after they leave the club because that wouldn't be realistic, but it should surely be a gradual loss of knowledge?

    I had a guy on trial for 4 weeks, got full knowledge after 2 and he had played a couple of pre-season games - offered a contract but he went elsewhere, as soon as he signed I lost the entire knowledge and everything was blank.

  2. Not really sure if this is how the game works, but just by two cents on the variety of gameplay. 

    Started with Crewe and just set it to the preset 4-3-3 (one dm and 2 cm's) and accidentally started the initial friendly without changing any roles or applying any instructions, and have seen a ton of central play, particularly trying to get the wide player slipped through on goal with a ball between the CB and full back - something that's quite surprising as both wide players are just set at support wingers.

    I didn't change anything for a few more games and have seen similar stuff, so now wondering how the AI tries to counter us as the player? Is it intelligent enough to counter us? Or does the game work where it can see what our instructions are, before then manipulating the AI team tactics to somewhat counteract what we do? If we try to play with aggressively "through the middle" instructions can they just throw everything at shutting that off, therefore leaving all the space outside and forcing our players to go wide and cross often?

    I only think this because my tactic is just the most vanilla thing going with no obvious instructions to counter so I wonder if that then leads the AI to do the same, and as a result there's no real focus on the pitch so it just ends up with the ME playing out to where the space is?

    That could be a load of crap, but just wondering if anyone has insight into the info that the AI has to counter us? Is it just able to see out instructions and directly copy/counter, or does it have a decision making system through the data hub etc like we would?

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