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Issue Comments posted by mannyhams

  1. On 23/04/2023 at 14:39, b28937 said:


    FYI I continue to have the same or similar problems with the squad planner resetting.  I find the squad planner to be very useful and spend a lot of time setting it up.  Then I go back to it and discover everything has been completely reset. I don't even bother with it anymore.  It simply doesn't work and never has in FM23.  Complete waste of time.  

    Really unfortunate since it was one of the key selling points for FM23 and has a lot of potential.

  2. On 08/03/2023 at 01:33, Kyle Brown said:

    Believe this has now been resolved in a previous update, thank you for your patience. Do let us know if you spot anything similar.

    It's not resolved in my save, sadly. I specified players for a number of positions for 'next season', but my selections were completely scrambled and mixed with other players later on (possibly after saving and reloading, possibly during the same session, don't recall now). Just checked again and all players are now missing from the planner. So clearly undesirable things are still happening.

  3. On 09/02/2023 at 06:38, picketyp said:

    I bought this game to create a custom database and now I'm running into this same issue.  It seems pretty widespread based on the comments here and other posts and kills the functionality of the editor.... Is this actually being worked on, or is this something I need to accept will never be fixed and get my money back?

    Other references to same issue:





    I'm hopeful for a fix in 23.3, but nothing has been guaranteed. It's entirely possible that it won't be fixed in FM23 (could even remain in FM24 for all we know).

    I initially refunded my purchase, since a custom db was central to how I wanted to play, but Ive since repurchased and found a new way to play. It's less enjoyable this way and really frustrating but IMO better than potentially waiting a month, a year, or potentially even longer for the situation to be fixed.

  4. 22 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Have you noticed this at all on the latest version, or was this a one off?

    I ran into this problem on 23.2 a couple days ago. Have had to give up on the squad planner, which is sad because it was really helpful when it worked.


    Edit: Ah, I actually tagged you in a comment about it already :) apologies for the spam.



  5. On 27/01/2023 at 23:36, Kyle Brown said:

    This is one we believe has been resolved, but do let us know if you spot any new instances.

    @Kyle BrownI had this issue today, the squad planner (in my second season) doesn't seem to save my changes for very long, though I'm unsure of what the trigger would be. Clicking next, or going into a match, perhaps? Fiddling with roles in the tactic? Unclear.

    Very often, it seems to simply add players semi-randomly back to all the positions - not necessarily sorted in order by quality (best players often at the bottom)

    Other times, the positions are all empty, like this bug report.

    I've uploaded Trier.fm using the cloud upload service, thanks!

  6. 8 hours ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    We're sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we still can't give a time for when an update with the fix will come. We are still working on this with a view to get this fixed as soon as we can.

    @Abdullah PatelUnderstood, thanks!

    Since there's no clear plan to fix this before FM24, I've left a "Not Recommended" review on Steam for now with a warning for players who want to include any American league beyond MLS. I'm following this thread, though, and will be very happy to change the review once the problem is addressed.


    On 16/11/2022 at 21:05, Abdullah Patel said:

    Unfortunately, we can't give a date for a fix. Thank you for your patience with this.

    @Abdullah Patel JFYI I have just refunded my game on Steam because of this issue.

    I bought FM23 this morning specifically for some workshop content which is now available, but I am getting this error whenever I try to use it and don't have confidence that my save will function properly.

    Really disappointed :(

    For more context, this is the error message I see (twice) when creating my save which uses the custom database attached to this post and linked below.[1] I'm able to continue on to create the save by clicking "OK", but unsure if things got screwed up in the process.


    I'm also able to load the save, but the same error message appears (twice) along with the text "configthreadlocale(0)" at the bottom of the message.

    Like others in this thread, its a USA database.

    [1] https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/yywvkn/oc_my_american_pyramid_revamped_database_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3



    American Pyramid Revamp 2023.fmf

  8. On 31/10/2022 at 22:36, Andrew James said:

    Hi all,

    Just wanted to give an update and a bit of clarification on the ongoing work with player development. 

    There are a couple of areas in particular we are still looking at improvements for:

    1) Attribute balancing - Whilst the recent patch fixed the extreme attribute profiles that were possible in long term soaks, there are still certain attributes for certain positions that we're trying to find ways to boost and keep balanced. 

    2) Inactive league CA progression - Internally we're seeing that the rate of progression and CA/PA ratios in active leagues looks about right and remains constant in long term saves. An amount of drop off in inactive leagues average CA can be expected due to high CA players being prioritised for inclusion in the game start db - but we are looking at ways to keep this a bit more stable. This also means that different db setups can show very different results for the Player Development Averages depending on the proportion of players in inactive leagues. 

    If you find any examples of a player in your save not developing as expected, then please start a new thread on the bug tracker with a save game from the beginning and end of the period in question.

    If you have any questions on this subject then let me know :)

    So then, is a valid workaround to load and simulate all possible leagues and players?

    This is my preferred save setup anyhow, since I don't mind the "Continue" action taking a bit longer. Monster PC, so it's not too bad.

    EDIT: Also, I'm aware there are options buried in the settings menu which affect the level of fidelity with which other club/league games are simulated... are there options we can select which improve global player development outcomes?

  9. Yep he's sorted on his given name "Emre" whereas all the other players are sorted on their family names (see the bottom of the list).



    Unless "Emre" is actually his family name? In that case I'd suggest that he be displayed as "Aslan Emre" for consistency with the other players. If his name is displayed in this way due to locale-/culture-specific naming conventions, perhaps there could be a checkbox in preferences to either respect those conventions or not?

  10. Apologies I forgot to follow up here. The player was in one of those reserve squads and I couldn't find him because  sort-by-name placed him in an unexpected spot... all the other players were sorted alphabetically by last name but this player was not. Ill load up the save and have another look in the morning (KST) to confirm, he might have been sorted by first name.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Michael Sant said:

    Thanks for coming back to us on this one @mannyhams. What you're saying does sound like it could be useful, you've got a good experience of the game on this side it seems so I think it would be beneficial for you to make a feature request to outline when you think this should show/where and such and the devs can take a look at it further.

    Sure and thank you, too. I'll have a think and open a feature request later today.

  12. On 07/11/2021 at 06:33, Michael Sant said:

    Thanks for raising this issue, our team will take a look into it further.

    Tried a new INTL save and realized this could be user error!

    I think this situation arises when my squad is full WRT the rules for the next-scheduled match. I expected to be able to add any number of players and then be forced to comply with the match rules at some point in the future, like on squad announcement day or match day. Some UI indication would probably be helpful, here.

  13. 7 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. UI is our busiest sub-forum, so we can't always respond to issues as quick as we'd like.

    Could you confirm whether this is still an issue that's present after the latest update?

    If so, we'll get it moved across to our main forums, and have the UI team look at it as quick as they can. 

    Thank you again for taking the time to flag this.  

    Just tested, the bug appears to still be there.

    I uploaded a save file which is set a day before the end of 3 player trials - check to see that player knowledge is at 100% for them initially, but once you advance a day and they leave the club knowledge drops to pre-trial levels: "no knowledge after trial bug.fm"

    EDIT: The save is uploaded via oc.sigames.com

  14. 12 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    Overall it would be a benefit to share staff burdens and some like the head of youth development being involved in their training makes sense to me at least. As could involvement from senior coaches. Nevertheless, I've passed it over to QA as they can check this further and confirm if this is expected behaviour or not.

    Sounds reasonable, I'd understand if it turns that out coaching availability is working as intended. For me this is more of a clarity issue - if there's a way to find out which staff can cross squad boundaries, I haven't discovered it.

    Imho it would be useful to surface this in all the UIs where the player is likely to be considering staffing decisions (contract negotiations, staff contract ending email, etc).

  15. 2 minutes ago, Michael Sant said:

    We've been aware of general issues with the international side and staff responsibilities so from what I can tell there wouldn't be any need to separate these out further. Hopefully once there's a fix I can let you know and if there are then any further issues we can take it from there.

    👍No need to let me know when it gets fixed but thanks. Hang in there for your final week to release!

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