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Jotham Taylor

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Jotham Taylor

  1. Hi, just a friendly reminder to upload a save if you have one. One from before and after the game would be ideal. Thanks, Joth
  2. Thanks for the saves. This has been logged and we'll take a look at it in due course. Joth
  3. Hi, thanks for raising this. When you uploaded the save, you should've had a unique id for it. Do you have that to hand? Thanks, Joth
  4. Thanks for raising all these issues - some great stuff here. For tracking purposes, it'd be best if you create new issues for each one you find, rather than commenting on this thread with new issues. As well as this, uploading a save with the issue will give us the best chance of fixing the issue. Details of how to do so are linked below. Thanks, Joth
  5. Hiya, would it be possible to upload the video here please. Thanks, Joth
  6. Hi, thanks for raising this. I was wondering if you had a save from before the first job was offered? Thanks, Joth
  7. May I ask what OS you are running as well please? Joth
  8. Hi, thanks for raising this. I've tried to reproduce this and have failed to do so. Is there any chance of you sending a screen recording of the issue over? Thanks, Joth
  9. Hi, thanks for raising this. If you have a save with this bug present, that'd be really helpful. Thanks, Joth
  10. Hi, thanks for raising this. May I ask which device you are using, and what operating system you have installed. Thanks, Joth
  11. Hi, thanks for raising this. Is there any chance of getting a save game for this? Instructions for how to do so are attached below. Thanks, Joth
  12. Hi, thanks for raising this. Is there any chance of getting a save game for this? Instructions for how to do so are attached below. Thanks, Joth
  13. Hi, thanks for raising this. Is there any chance of getting a save game from you for this? Instructions for how to do so are attached below. Thanks, Joth
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