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Ewan Aiton

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38 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Sports Interactive QA

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  1. Hello @elliotf14. Sorry to hear that you are having issues with corners. You can adjust your players instructions for set pieces. Outside of matches, if you go to the Tactics screen ([Club] -> [Tactics]) and then tap on the Set Pieces tab along the bottom of the screen you will see buttons for Defence and Attack. Tapping on each of those will allow you to see and edit the instructions for each player for your set pieces. You can select each set piece type by tapping on the area of the pitch and then adjust the player instructions by tapping on the tile to the right hand side of a player's name in the Instructions column on the right-hand side of the screen. I hope this helps.
  2. Hello @brehder. Thanks for raising this issue with us. Could you upload your save to us again? We couldn't find this file on our system. When uploading it could you please place it in a zip file with an easily identifiable name so that we can find it quickly.
  3. Ewan Aiton

    Files lost

    Hello everyone. We are continuing to investigate this issue and we're looking for a bit more information to help pinpoint the cause of the vanishing saves. Could you all please let us know if there were any unusual occurrences when closing down the game immediately before the save disappeared? Did the device run out of battery and close down? Did the game close unexpectedly? In addition to that could all of you please confirm whether you had made any manual saves along the way or you were completely relying on the game's autosave functionality? Answers to these questions will greatly improve our understanding of what is going on here as we work towards finding a solution so please do take the time to provide us some answers.
  4. Hello @NguyenDucAnh. Firstly could you confirm for us how heavily you have modded the game, please? From the screenshot it seems like you are using a third-party UI skin, are you using any other third-party add-ons, like changes.txt files, face or logo packs?
  5. Hello @tonbi. Thank you for raising this issue with us. Could you please let us know what position these players should be playing as rather than how they are defined in-game?
  6. Hello @MarcoLapo27. In addition to providing us some save files, could you please save the matches as PKMs and upload the PKMs to us? These will give us additional information on what is happening to cause this issue.
  7. Hello @TonyMarshall. Further to Alari's request above it would be really useful if you could get a screen recording of the issue occurring along with a save so that we can try and reproduce it on our end, please? Also if you could give us as much information as possible on the issue including the device and operating system version that you are playing the game on so we can build up as complete a picture as possible?
  8. Thank you for raising this with us. It has been logged and is now with the development team for further investigation.
  9. Minor Update 1 has now been released. Could everyone please update to the latest version of the game and let us know if this fixes their issues?
  10. Hello @MacMike23. Thanks for raising this issue with us. We have managed to reproduce this in-house and it has been logged and is with the development team for further investigation.
  11. Hello all. For those of you who have asked how to interact with Netflix, we have a link here to their help section on Netflix Games in the UK: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/121442/gb
  12. Hello @RobinWeston. Thank you for raising this issue with us. It has been logged and is with the development team for further investigation.
  13. Hello @joshuap. If you have a save for this that you could upload that that would be fantastic.
  14. Hello @aitorgallegos. Would you be able to upload a save to us where the issue is occurring, please? The link below contains information on how to upload files to us.
  15. Hello @DoneHisCruciate. Thank you for raising this issue with us. In order for us to investigate this one a bit further we will need you to upload a save to us, please. The information on how to upload a save to us can be found in the link below.
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