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Ewan Aiton

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Ewan Aiton

  1. Hello @dlj1905. Thank you for raising this issue with us. It has now been logged and is with the development team for further investigation.
  2. Hello @RickyKosta. Thank you for raising this issue. We are aware of this issue and the development team is currently investigating.
  3. Hello @passenger58. Thanks for raising this with us. We are aware of this issue and our developers are currently investigating it. Could we just ask in future if you could log any bugs or technical issues you have over on our Bug Tracker please? https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/
  4. Thank you for flagging this issue with us. It has been logged and is now with the development team for further investigation.
  5. Hello @ElliottMS. Thanks for raising this with us. It has been logged and is now with the development team for further investigation.
  6. Hello @aitorgallegos. Thank you for raising this issue with us. It has been logged and is with the development team for further investigation.
  7. Hello @TheServant. Can you tell us what device you are playing on? Also can you upload the save to us, please?
  8. Thanks to all for raising this issue with us. It has been logged and is now with the development team for further investigation. Have a good weekend!
  9. Hello @Sauna. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It has been logged and is with the development team for further investigation.
  10. Hello @MatiasDFS. This has been logged and is with the development team for further investigation. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
  11. Hello all. Thanks for raising this issue with us. It has now been logged and is with the development team for further investigation.
  12. Hello @babamumu77. From the screenshot that you have posted here, those loan players are players that have been loaned out to other clubs. If you tap on their names and look at their Player Profile screens you will be able to see where they have been loaned out to. From there you can also Recall them from loan. Once they have been Recalled from loan then you can move them to your First Team and play them. I hope this is helpful to you.
  13. Hello @Sauna. Could you update to the latest version of the game (14.2.0) and see if that helps, please?
  14. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This issue has been logged and is now with the development team for further investigation.
  15. Hello @DragonEnergy. This is an issue that we are aware of and we are working on a fix for it. Please keep an eye out for information on when the remaining updates for FMM23 are due out and what they will contain.
  16. Hello @AndyBell17. Thanks for raising this issue with us. Would you be able to provide us a save where this is happening please? Also could you let us know what device you are experiencing the issues with and what version of Android it is running?
  17. Hello again @devonchris. Again thanks for splitting these bugs up. For this issue could you please provide a save where this is occurring and some screenshots of the issues occurring?
  18. Hello @devonchris. Again, thanks for separating these bugs out into individual posts. This bug is going to be a bit more difficult to pinpoint exactly what is going on. What we will probably need here is a series of saves from before and after matches where the issue has been occurring to determine exactly what is going on. That should give us enough information on what is going on to give the development team a solid start to work from.
  19. Hello @devonchris. Thanks for logging this issue individually. For us to be able to fully investigate this issue could you please provide a PKM of a match where this is happening and saves from just before and just after the match, please?
  20. Hello @Vlad1988. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. In order for us to investigate this further can I ask you to provide a save where this has occurred and a screenshot or two of the issue occurring in the game, please? Also could you let us know what device you are playing on and what version of Android it is running? In the meantime, can you also ensure that you have updated the game to the very latest version (14.1.0).
  21. Hello @Baronvon. Thank you for raising this issue with us. It has now been logged and is with the development team for further investigation.
  22. Hello @wink1867. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. It has now been logged and is with our development team for further investigation.
  23. Hello again @devonchris. Thank you for logging these issues individually. It is much appreciated. As to what might be helpful uploads the first two issues you have noted here are match related and so what would be most helpful is a PKM from a match where these issues have been observed and (ideally) a save from before and after the match has occurred. These will give the development team the best chance of identifying what is causing these issues. As for the third issue, here screenshots of how the issues are manifesting in the game and a save from where they are occurring with be most helpful.
  24. Hello @Amigooo. There has not been a fix released for this issue yet. Do you have any screenshots you could share of the change you're seeing?
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