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Everything posted by ChiccO

  1. Good results mate! Even the further you get in the qualifying rounds means you’ll make more TV money from it so good going!
  2. I think around the £2m mark or a bit more from what I remember. I usually start asking when it gets to around £2m+
  3. Hiya folks, for anyone who hasnt started or wishes to start again with Victor San Marino in the proper Eccelenza league then I have added a link to the Steam database in the OP. Personally, I’ve probably put too much work in to the save with Victor in the Serie D so I’ll probably just stick with what I’ve started. Anyway - it will take around 2 seasons to create a decent serie D side so it’s not any benefit 😂
  4. Yeah as your team isn’t professional you can’t guarantee keeping a hold of your players unfortunately. sometimes if you offer the player a new contract they will choose to stay. But overall your best bet is to get the club turned professional when you can. That was you can sign the players to fill contracts.
  5. Just comes with experience of having played the challenge on the past 2 versions of the game
  6. I’m not sure if restarting will even sort or matey. It happened a bit during testing. I doubt it’ll happen when the VSM team goes up the leagues plus it’s easily ignored if you don’t select any of the players.
  7. I was stuck in the Serie B after 7 seasons last year after starting in the Eccelenza. 😆
  8. Also a little tip for those spending money before your club is Professional - it might be a good idea to prioritise professional status? that way you can sign players to term contracts (2 years max in SM I think) but at least it lessens the chance of losing good players for free. It also means your players can train full time which will help them improve IIRC you need around £2m+ in the bank for the board to agree to turn professional.
  9. Yeah mate they are the feeder team for Victor San Marino. Bear in mind if it’s still the same this season then U-18 players from Italy cannot move to a SM team until the window AFTER they turn 18. at least that’s how it worked last year.
  10. Hi mate I think this is a bug. As it’s 15 years living in SM for citizenship. The database is correct as I checked it after the bug so no idea what causes it!
  11. Yeah, whilst the teams aren’t professional there’s really no point getting attached to any of your best player because they’re stolen sway so easily 😂
  12. Yeah, I play usually as Victor San Marino and a Sammarinese club too. This year I’ve gone with La Fiorita.
  13. I’m usually the same with the realism. I’d have preferred to start in the Eccelenza but I’m not sure there will be a DB available anytime soon. And I ran out of patience wanting to start 🤣. it will probably take 2-3 seasons to build a decent Serie D team anyway.
  14. @BCarwardine I usually load all Italian leagues possible (your access to “foreign” players in SM is mostly made of Italian players. San Marino country and players, teams of course. And just any other league close by with a balance of keeping the player count up and the game speed manageable.
  15. Sure mate. Although I think it is a bug as it is happening even now when I’m playing as VSM. it’s not a game breaking bug and something that’s manageable as you can just ignore the players who aren’t supposed to be eligible. So far I’ve seen the news item for: Allessandro Monaco, Alberto Malo and Mouna Dioh. thanks for all your knowledge and assistance bud!
  16. Yeah you can do if you like mate. You would only need the San Marino League and Cup database and load all the players from Nation to control the National side.
  17. Hi all, I downloaded a custom DB for Italy down to Serie D. I then swapped Victor San Marino in to the Serie D to make them playable. However, I am now seeing VSM players declare themselves for San Marino selection despite having never played in the country before signing for Victor. Any ideas if me swapping teams around has knocked something off in the eligibility rules?
  18. Yeah, the rule used to be 2 of the on-field 11 had to be Sammarinese. That has now changed IRL to 1 out of the 11.
  19. Yeah bud it's just Luron's database I'm using. Mine has discipline rules etc too. I've attached the file to this post for you. San Marino - League and Cup.fmf
  20. This is what mines shows. That is a database i purely loaded to test. Didn't edit anything.
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