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12 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. What an April to forget. I’m happy to see Busio continue to progress. Even though it’s not too helpful yet. Here’s to hoping your improvements on some of the behind the scene facilities can carry you to a better finish.
  2. I've never heard of Adrian Gill. I might grab him in some saves as he looks like a squad player with some potential. This save has been some therapy for me as an American who follows Venezia during this very depressing season for them.
  3. Here to say I love the skin and love that you included mods. I haven't seen those before. I'm really loving the dark mode UI mode. Thanks!
  4. What a great way to finish the season. Very curious to see what Americans are on your radar for this offseason.
  5. LUCA! I love to see him make an appearance in this save. I hope he can do well for you.
  6. Pukstas looks like he can be somebody for this Venezia side. Very cool to see!
  7. Tillman! I would to see some of the best Americans at the end of the season to see how they've progressed. I hope Busio is progressing.
  8. Very curious to see what Americans get added to the team for next year. Following!
  9. Hello, When I am creating a focus from the scouting coverage page and selecting a single scout everything is working fine. When I change the formation the details are no longer editable/won't save (ex. CA, PA, Areas). You can untick the "Any Position from Tactic" and retick and then the details become editable. However, when ticking and unticking "Any Position From Tactc" the assigned scout is reset. (I did record this with a skin but also tried it with the default skin and had the same issue. I can re record if necessary) Thanks and cheers from the California! 2022-10-28 11-27-20 (1).mov
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